Oh my goodness!!!

Mar 27, 2006 14:57

Well I have had a rather eventful weekend.....We will just skip over the whole Kiki throwing up in and all over Rob's room, sending ppl who I should not be communicating with random msg's, and then announcing to a whole roomful of people that I don't like Mitch (lindsay's brother) because I slept with his brother and he is a jackass, and then telling Mitch (Lindsay Brother) that I hate his brother!!!! So once we skip over all that information I will now move onto the most important and rewarding thing that has happened to me in MONTHS........Now not many of you who read this little journal thing would have ever heard about me talk about Dave. Ahhh Dave.....Dave is the most beautiful boy that I have ever slept with. I slept with him almost two years ago.....and it was wonderful....Dave was looking like being a really good perspective partner for Kiki.......However Dave did not see this, for as soon As Dave & Kiki had sex....Kiki never heard from him again! Now Kiki always see's this boy in the most obscure places.....and last night Kiki alas once again ran into Dave, however I really didn't mind this time because I have never felt better (Now I am being a big bitch here....but don't hold it against me for Dave is a real JACKASS) As Sam, Tam & I headed down to our Car (which was park in the southbank carpark) I realised that the sneaky little buggers are now charging you $2 to park there if you are going to the movies.....I was extremely pissed off at this, and therefore the whole time I was driving up to the booth where you pay I was very distracted. When I reach the booth...I wasn't looking at the person I just stuck my hand out as I had a conversation with Tam & Sam....After a couple of seconds I realised the person hadn't taken my money so I turn around to see what they are doing.....and low and behold....ha ha ha guess who works as a booth bitch for the southbank carparks......DAVE!!!!! It was all rather amusing!!!! He would not remember me.....so I felt okay about that, but I was staring at him so intensely that he started to look at me funny!!!! ha ha ha oh the random stuff that happens.....I haven't had random things like that happen to me in awhile.....he looked really good though.....I might have to find another reason to go to southbank next sunday....so if anyone can help me come up with a reason, that would be great!!! If you're lucky you might get to see the famous Dave!

So yes that was my eventful weekend!!! Now I better do some work!

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