So, assorted fannish things that are making me happy:
Front page of the Toronto Star today. First paragraph of the main article: "She likes us. She really likes us." (Article: "Kate tips hat to Canada; For a royal with no official remarks, she still makes a statement.") Seriously. (Does anyone else remember that time the CBC made Obama a mixed tape of Canadian music?) I was talking to someone about Hetalia and Scandinavia and the World and personification of countries - and just- Canada is sometimes a lovelorn teenager, eh? (Seriously- the article* is a clothing analysis and about how the fascinator she wore on Canada Day is a sign.)
I saw X-Men! When I left the theatre I had Fandom stuck in my head. I started cycling through vids internally and there was giggling, and just- Fandom is awesome sometimes. I hadn't expected to like it as much as I did, but it was kind of slashtastic and amazing.
I also saw Thor! It was a silly film. I went in knowing about Loki/Thor and ended up shipping Darcy/Jane. (Where is the Darcy/Jane fic? WHERE?)
Also: Bandom. Ahahahaha. So I have been plotting a recruitment post for a while, and there are something like 3-4 Bandom posts that I want to make, but I am digresssing slightly. Part of the appeal of Bandom for me, is that there exists within it a question which has only one possible answer. The question is "Who is this bouncy young man?"** and the answer is "Brendon Urie." He decided to strip at a show recently; for some reason I find
this hilarious right now.
*Read: glorified caption to justify running a giant photo of her and her fascinator on the front page
**No, it seriously is. I have seen this in a couple of places now.
...and going back to the films:
Mystique! I liked Mystique a lot! (She had lines and an arc; it was exciting.) I did not like them killing Darwin. That was not buddies. Hank was pretty and I think Alex is going to end up being Scott's father in this? I spent most of the film going Erik and marveling at how married he and Charles were. It was fun.
Thor! Thor was Australian. That did not cease to throw me. Fandral's facial hair was awesome; he looked a bit like Westley. ...and, um Darcy/Jane: ♥. Darcy's stun gun and whole general attitude and Jane talking about her being the only applicant and a political scientist. (I do not know; I think SGA fandom may have conditioned me to perk up when lesser science slagging is going on.) This may have contributed to my complete lack of interest in the Jane/Thor thing. I liked the eating and the drinking and the now we shall battle bits. It was silly and happy.
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