Link Drop

Mar 08, 2011 06:12

Okay, so there's a program called National Theatre Live where they essentially try to make theatre accessible by putting it into cinemas. They are doing this with Frankenstein. Benedict Cumberbatch and Johnny Lee Miller are playing Victor and the Creature, and then, they are switching off. They're showing the two performances a week apart in Britain with the first one on the 17th. Recap: Frankenstein, Cumberbatch, Johnny, exchanging roles. (So. I have Saint Patrick's Day plans now.)

6 Terrifying Ways Crows Are Way Smarter Than You Think
Important Educational Piece. (Like squirrels, these creatures need to be watched.)

This is Why I'll Never be an Adult

sinesofinsanity: this is where "CLEAN ALL THE THINGS!" comes from.

The Book Surgeon
Books! Defiled! Prettily. Brian Dettmar sculpts books, essentially. It's pretty fascinating.

Picspam: Costumes in Inception by bennet-7
If you're interested in costumes or fashion or Inception or movies you should read this. It is fantastically detailed. There are fabric close-ups in this and some really awesome discussion about the meaning of clothes.

French Canadians in Domestic Bliss: The Primer by quettaser
There are two Philadelphia Flyers (hockey) players who are charmingly cohabiting with three kids and a dog. It's adorable.

ETA: Oh, also: Equals (Daniel Craig cross dresses for great justice - Judi Dench narrates)

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