Glee fic recs

Jan 31, 2010 23:37

Had A Good Plan, Too Bad It Didn't Go Right by bergann
Rating: PG-13
It's this incredibly sweet story that practically oozes of once upon a time. Puck and Kurt get to know each other; it's a fabulous teen romance with a little bit of edge. Also: Brittany is awesome in this.

I'm sick of being haunted by every cliché that I know by fakeplasticsnow
Rating: PG-13
Kurt takes down the celibacy club. Kurt and Puck are friends and it is ridiculous and amazing. This, also, is a slightly twisted teen romance, and it is awesome. Funny and sweet. There are some glorious clichés in this and Mike is this amazing person who has a thing for Kurt.

In a Giddy Whirl and its sequel, A Tale That Can't be Told by waldorph
Rating: NC-17
Puck-centric and the tone is pretty damn spot on. It's the love story of Rachel and Puck and it carves out that relationship really well. It's true to the characters and sweet. The minisequel is highly recommended on account of being funny and wonderful.

Wonderwall by anomalousalanna
Rating: NC-17
When Quinn gets kicked out Rachel takes her in and she becomes part of that home. There are arguments over board games and a romance that develops as Quinn's pregnancy progresses. It's cute.

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