
Nov 09, 2016 23:39

I stayed up until just about the end, last night, around fifteen minutes before they called it, and so I have gone through the day with too much to do on too little sleep. I felt like I was going to a funeral, heading out this morning.

Today I have been frustrated and angry and sad. I feel threatened. I feel that we are beginning a very difficult time and that there is so much potential for evil - for greed, for oppression, for violence, for atrocities. I am wary of what will happen in the United States of America and what may spill over, and I think that is sort of where we need to be. Wary. Aware.

We need to be watching and I think that we need to be very aware of the past as we do that, and of the sort of things that have come to pass when this kind of rhetoric has been spoken. And we need to be ready to say "no" and "never again".

I think there are many different faces of resistance, and we have seen that, in history.

I think that pervasive fear and anger can be like gasoline and I think it can smother freedom and goodness.

I think that there is a place in all of this, for those of us that can manage it, for radical kindness, and to fight evil with good; I think that this is part of resistance.

I've been remembering today, Jack Layton's words of over five years ago:

"My friends, love is better than anger. Hope is better than fear. Optimism is better than despair. So let us be loving, hopeful, and optimistic. And we'll change the world."

I think we need some of those things, today. I think it is easy to forget they exist, today. (I've needed those words, today.)

I think that we need to prepare for the worst, but make the world we try to build not be shaped by fear, despair, and anger. We need to keep fighting.

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