In your own space, create your own challenge. What’s something you want to see more people doing in fandom? Is there something you’ve tried that you think other people would enjoy if they gave it a go? Dare your friends to try it out, and have fun with it. Leave a comment in
this post saying you did it. Include a link to your post if you feel comfortable doing so.
Do something nice for someone in fandom.
Write a note to someone telling them how awesome they are.
Buy paid journal time for someone who would appreciate it.
Write a fic for yuletide's
New Year's Resolution collection, even if you don't need to.
Leave a comment on a fanwork.
Make a fannish friend a fanmix or fannish knitwear or a picspam of their fave or a fic written just for them.
Make a transformative work of someone's transformative work - translate a thing, or art or podfic or remix, or whatever.
Check out someone's wishlist
on the snowflake challenge or elsewhere and if you can do something for them, do so.
(People being excellent to each other is my favourite thing.)
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