yeah yeah I know *cough*
I need to update more... T____T
I'm really sorry
but it's hard with only a hour a day DDD:
I will try to get the posts @
kiki_goes_japan up today... but it's going to be long 'cause of pics soI can't promise today but if not today tomorrow or the day after since I'm still in "exam-week" which means free for me XD
today: flail 8D
1. NEWS fighting man 8D
no need for words ♥
loved the song after the concert and PV is ♥♥♥
Click to view
2. SP the movie
Okada is running over the TV since yesterday doing Promo and the short trailer comes 4 times an hour...
hell I want to watch that movie *_______*
the day after tomorrow ^___^
Click to view
3. AAA's Nishijima Takahiro
my "old" obsession comes back in form of a 7/11 cm that comes ALL the time and how he says 『行って見ようかど~』 at the end
drtcfguhjkl XDD
Click to view
4. tonight!!!!
and I can watch it liiiiiiiiveeee on TV 8D
hell yes I look forward to it.. XDD
picture shamelessly stolen from
jazzinjuly @
kanjani8 bye *waves*
(sorry for spamming f-list
forgive me?)