1, 2, 3 Meme :D

Apr 15, 2010 22:30

I actually wanted to post on monday this week... but you know...
It's just that I'm much too lazy these days XD~

lets start with Meme's :D

got tagged by sareru

Simply answer the questions and tag 8 people.

1. How long have you been on LJ?
since 2008-05-26 :D

2. What made you join?
ehhh~ Prince of Tennis fandom LOL

3. What are things you like about livejournal? 
eto... I like that I'm able to meet a lot of new friends here <3
and all those fandom information XD

4. What are things you don't like about livejournal?
LJ is always bitching when I want to embed more than 1 thing T__T or write longer posts with more than one cut and pictures... like this one >____<''

5. Have you met someone on LJ, that you eventually met up w/in real life?
haiii~ ^^

6. Who do you think is the nicest person on your friends list? Why?
I can't really say... I love everyone on my f-list and it would be unfair to put one above another...

7. Do you have close friends here?
yes :D

8. Have you ever tried to leave, but eventually came back?
No I could never leave LJ XD
I'm addicted LOL

9. What do you think LJ could improve on?
Nothing I can think of right now...

10. What are the communities/journals you check the most?
aramatheydidnt  , ryoda_love  , and the rest that pops up on my f-list XD

11. What's your favorite userpic?
My Eistee-chan ♥

12. If you were to run LJ for one day, what would you do?
don't know... kinda nothing 'cause I'm too lazy?

13. Do you think you can live w/out this site?
No definitely not XD I check LJ like every 5 minutes the least XD

14. Did livejournal have any impact to your own life?
yes it did... after joining LiveJournal I became even more a freak than I was before LOL

15. Are you happy you joined LJ?
oh yes XD totally ♪♫

tagging is hard... cause I kinda think everyone on my f-list was already tagged XD
so if I tag you and you were already tagged i'm sorry XD yumiko_okahawa  

got tagged by zaziemuto

If you’ve been tagged, you must write your answers in your own lj and replace any question that you dislike with a new question. Tag eight people. Don’t refuse to do that. Don’t tag who tagged you

What song are you currently addicted to?
TOKIO - Mr. Traveling Man

What are you listening to right now?
TOKIO - Sorafune

What’s the most enjoyable thing you’ve done today?
sleeping till 9.15 XD since the first two periods were canceled LOL

What is the one skill you wish you had?

What’s your current fandom/obsession/addiction?
TOKIO and flumpool XD

What’s your favorite song to dance to?
If I'm honest it would be "It's my Soul" XD

What Web sites do you always visit when you go online?
LiveJournal, facebook

What was the last thing you bought?
McSundae? XD

Which fictional character do you think you’re most like?
I don't really know...

What website would you recommend to friends?
LiveJournal XD

Do you get cravings? If so, what do you crave?
Chocolate in general... and specically "Milka Shocko & Keks" XD

What is the best place you’ve ever been?
Till now Barcelona - Spain... but I think that will changw when I get to Japan :D

What was the last meal you ate?
Bami Goreng... Made by EDEKA XD

Do you want to learn another language?
no.. not really... since i'm already studying Japanese^^

Six things you can’t live without.
1. leolausemaus  ♥, 2. the rest of my friends... RL and Online, 3. Computer/Internet... yes I'm addicted XD, 4. my iPod I could totally kill if I don't have it with me..., 5. my family... yes even my nerve-killing brother..XD, 6. my parfume collection <3

What are you planning to do after you finish this meme?
finishing Majo Saiban^^ And I tag... (again if you were already tagged I'm sorry... just ignore it LOL) sakura_chavez

and another meme :D

Comment to this entry and I'll give you a color, then you have to find ten things that you love of that color.

got the color orange from zaziemuto

Well my room <3 I made a photo of my poster-wall ♥ isn't my Kisumai poster lovely XD

please ignore the messyness >_> my bed with orange bedsheets yay LOL

My favorite blouse <3 I just got it some weeks ago and am totally in love with it^^
But I can't wear it in the moment cause it again got colder here T___T
I want summer

well... that's actually my vest I made for the Japantag 2009 ♥
It's Sho's vest from the AAA2008 XD~ more or less... the one he wears while La Tormenta <3
That was such a hard work... XD I think if I ever ask my mother again to help me sewing she will kill me XD

This is the only dress I own... and usually i don't like drsses and skirts, but I love this one <3
I got it last year it was for the "Abiball" of my brother <3

tbh I don't know if it's still alive XD I haven't watered it for like... a year? LOL

I love this candle... I already own it since 2007 but I could never bring myself to use it XD
It's just it's too awesome XD

my bookshelves XD
(the one below is actually the one we talked about monstakarotte XD)

I have 4 of those boxes and they are full with.. deo, parfume, shower gel, shampoo, nail polish, creme, etc XD

My orange "Flausch-socken"
unfortunately I was only able to find one them
This Meme was really easy XD~
it was really an advantage that orange is my favorite color XD~

ask me and I will give you a color <3


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