So guys :D
I wasn't lazy this weekend <3333
I finished subbing 3 performances and started timing the Arashi no Shukudai-kun episode for
ast_sekai but man timing variety shows sure is exhausting XD
over 50 subtitles in under 3 minutes O____O I never thought it would be THIS much XD
but back to topic :D
I subbed 3 performances of NEWS from the Winter Party Diamond Concert <3
Anyone remember me saying I would sub all performances? well I didn't forget that^^
So first Jaaaaaaaaaaa~n I have here BAMBINA :D
I'm really sorry to
watakushiwasai and
saltandpepper22 to whom I said I would do it last month -.-''
MFI just saw a big error with the encoding, leaving almost the whole second half of the video without it's subtitles.
I'm going to re-encode it now, but I won't be able to upload it before tomorrow noon, as it is already late in my country and I have school tomorrow morning making it impossible for me now. m(_ _)m
repaired - well I stayed up late XD~
So next is FLY AGAIN :D
I'm totally addicted to this song at the moment :)
that was the reason why I subbed it <3
I totally love the lyrics they just make me smile ♥
MF And last but not least Mafuyu no Nagareboshi
another really nice song but it doesn't really fit here anymore XD
finally all the snow in our town melted XD I really couldn't see it anymore so I'm rather glad it's away^^
so no mid-winter anymore
MF It doesn't hurt to drop a comment if you take my video
so please,
just a simple "Thank you" will do!