Mar 27, 2004 00:02
Ok, so here's my update just to appease my best buddy Adam. :-D
We went to a musical with Steph tonight to see her friend that she went to Europe with (who, by the way, is very cute for just turning 17 tonight!). It was way out in Honeyoye (sp?) Falls. We got lost a few times b/c streets apparently have more than one name...and streets come up all of a sudden... and they look like they end suddenly and then u feel like ur about to fall off a cliff...but it was still good. We were only 20 mins late for the show! (Hence parking in the farthest spot from the door.) The show was really good. The entire cast did a tap number and the amazing thing was that they sang and tapped at the same time. It was definitely good. So then on our way out, it was of course pouring. We were trying to get to Steph's car quikly w/o stepping on the massive worms. They were seriously the size of the worms we dissected in Bio. That's prolly where they get them from - Honeyoye. We finally get to the car and are trying to follow the directions and realize that the "quick left" wasn't coming up so quickly, so we turned around and lo and behold- there was the street about 20 ft from the street we had came from. Then we're driving through all of these creepy farm streets that remind me of "I know what you did last summer"... and then we go around the turn and what's in the street?
There were so many of them in the street and we just kept driving. I wonder if we squished any of them... eww. I felt the need to lift me feet up. lol. Then we get a little further and Steph's window starts to fog up and we don't know where the defogger is on her dagnab new fangled control thingum with the CD player. It was definitely a good ride and we've gotta do a road trip sometime!! I think she's prolly one of few people that I could handle being in the car with for 1+ hours.
Tomorrow is our full day dress rehersal, so I think I shoud be going so I can get some rest before I have to get up again at the butt crack of dawn! Goodnight for now. ;-)