Jack The Boogieman: Jack and His Hares Don't Like Pitchiner Much (Colored)

May 25, 2013 02:01

I wanted to try and put some color to this pic, here's my attempt. I know that the background is lame, but I'm just not good at doing backgrounds. Either way this was more to figure out what Jack's & Pitch's general color scheme would look like. It's not great but I wanted to post it anyway.
The original: http://kiki564.livejournal.com/3212.html
Based from this prompt: http://rotg-kink.dreamwidth.org/2389.html?thread=4789589#cmt4789589

nightmare king, boogieman jack, jack black, au, kink meme, rise of the guardians, boogieman!jack, pitch frost, fanart, jack frost, boogieman, frost, pitch black, the boogieman, jack, rotg, fan art, pitch

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