Jul 10, 2004 22:31
boing im bouncy! horray for NOT being in a car anymore! well july 1st ashley and i went down to north carolina with her grandparents chuck and shirly. they are pretty cool old people i must say. we stayed in their camper and partied with the old folk. lol it was more fun than it sounds. we went to bingo night yeah! there were so many vicious old ladies trying to play more cards than the next one and muttering mad stuff when someone else won. so yeah lots of swimming and eating and fun shtuff like that. we decided we might just skip working and move right into retired life. haha. we made guacamole. it smelled like nasty garlic seaweed and looked kinda like what a cat would cough up. anyway im back now and i dont think im going on anymore vacations. woo today was mom n dads anniversary soo there was cake which is always a happy thing. kelsey and i visited michele at dairy queen and saw KARL haha. and i saw hillerys carl also. i guess i just had a K/Carl filled day. graduation party tomorrow...in buffalo so more driving:( :( but hey mines 2 weeks from today!! you better come. yes. i do mean you. seriously. and now for another survey i stole and im sure everyone will zoom right past but its ok because it gives me something to do.
b o d y - i l l s - a n d - s k i l l s
Do you bite your nails : nope
Can you roll your tongue : yeah
Can you raise one eyebrow at a time : yep
Can you blow smoke rings: dont smoke and probably couldnt do it anyway
Can you blow spit bubbles :yeaaapp
Can you cross your eyes : of course
Do you make your bed daily : yeah its not really that hard
Which shoe goes on first : mm whichever one i pick up
Speaking of shoes, have you thrown one at someone : its my weapon of choice when we are in a hotel room and my dad starts snoring
What's sexiest on a guy : dark brown eyes/nice teeth
What's sexiest on a girl : uh..i duno
Would you rather be on time and look okay or late and look great : how bout just a little late and decent looking?
Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it : twirl
How many many boxes of cereal are in your cabinet : a ton
What utensils do you use for eating pizza : fingers
Do you cook : very often
g r o o m i n g
How long do showers/baths last : 10 or 15 minutes i think...not real sure i mean who times themselves
Hair drying method : usually let it air dry
Do you swear : not usually
Do you mumble to yourself : not really im always afraid someone will hear me and think im nuts
Do you spit in public : yuck no
o t h e r
Person you talk most on the phone with : ummm not anyone a whole lot
What color is your bedroom : yellow!!
Do you use an alarm clock : if i need to get up before 7 or something
Have you ever skinny dipped with the opposite sex : nope
Ever sunbathed in the nude: in a tanning bed..but outside no way
Window seat or aisle : window, im amused for hours if i can look outside
What's your sleeping position : curled up in a katrinaball
What kind of bed do you like : mine works but i guess a waterbed would be cool
In hot weather do you use a blanket : no i use a sheet
Do you snore : not usually
Do you sleepwalk : never
Do you talk in your sleep : not that i know of
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal : not usually
How about the light on : nope
Do you fall asleep with the tv or radio on : nope tv keeps me awake
w h e n - w a s - t h e - l a s t - t i m e - y o u
Watched Bambi : ohhhh at least 10 years ago
Talked on the phone (to whom) : hillery called bout half hour ago or somemthing close
Punched someone : umm no idea
m u s i c - q u e s t i o n s
Is music important to you : almost more than anything else
Do you sing? : in my car with the music loud enough so nobody can hear me
d o - y o u - l i k e
Pop music : a little sometimes
Rock music : yep specially good old stuff
Punk music : some of its pretty good
Rap music : occasionally if im in the right mood
Hip-Hop/RB : not too much but i guess there are exceptions
Country : not too much
Jazz : i guess i might if i ever listened to it
Classical : some of its cool
New age : im not really sure what that is
s p e l l - y o u r - n a m e - u s i n g - b a n d - n a m e s (or solo artists)
new found glory
nitty gritty dirt band
lynard skynard
led zeppelin
red hot chili peppers
Have you ever had a song written about you? nope
What song makes you cry? no songs
What song makes you happy? almost any song...but you just have to be happy when sweet home alabama comes on...or sweet child of mine
What do you like to listen to before bed? whatever
a p p e a r a n c e
height : 5'11
hair color : brownblonde but gettin lighter from the sun
skin color : im a white girl thats for sure
piercings : one in each ear
tattoos : ehh no thanks
r i g h t - n o w
What color pants are you wearing?: i have NO pants on! but my shorts are jean
What song are you listening to?: awesomely bad something on vh1
What taste is in your mouth?: ummm water i guess
What's the weather like?: its dark out but i think its pretty nice
How are you?: im alright, thanks for asking
d o - y o u
Get motion sickness?: nope
Have a bad habit?: picking at my nails, eating when im bored, daydreaming/thinking about other stuff when i drive, lazy...i could go on for awhile
Get along with your parents?: almost always
f a v o r i t e s
TV show: friends before it left
Conditioner: i couldnt actually tell you the name of a conditioner
Magazine: whatever comes in the mail ill read
Soda: i guess just a big old no for this one
Thing to do on the weekend: see friends, same as weekdays
Rapper: whoever sings big pimpin...haha its such a fun song
h a v e - y o u
Broken the law: im sure its happened
Ran away from home: yep we did once for a couple hours it was pretty fun
Snuck out of the house: yep but not so exciting when my parents dont care that i do it
Ever gone skinny dipping: wasnt this already asked?
Made a prank phone call: oh man in 6th and 7th grade that was how we spent our nights
Used your parent's credit card: yeah but she gave it to me
Skipped school: well yeah
Fallen asleep in the shower/ bath: i dont think so
Been in a school play: not since 4th grade
Let a friend cry on your shoulder: i think so...dont remember much
l o v e
Boyfriend: nope
Girlfriend: nope nope
Children: just like people in general, some are ok, some suck
Been in love?: not even close
Had a hard time getting over someone: not really
Been hurt?: not by a boy or dating or anything but by friends yeah
Your greatest regret?: i should be more friendly
Gone out with someone you only knew for a few days: nope
r a n d o m
Do you have a job: not unless you count babysitting as a job
Your CD player has in it right now: it says kelsey and katrina on it...i dont remember what songs are on it though
If you were a crayon, what color would you be?: yellow of course
What makes you happy?: summer, swimming, the ocean,my friends, ice cream, strawberries, stars, the ocean, vacations, morning, my own bathroom, the ocean, tidepools, playing volleyball, making fire, playing uno, going new places, dogs, puppies, hot chocolate, the ocean, music, reading, lebron james, chinese buffets, the color yellow, sleep, kelsey (so she says), slippers, storms, tornados, finding long enough pants, that song thing the drummers play at football games, places with see through water, smores, baby toads, looking at pictures, waffle day, and i kinda like the ocean
Who makes you the happiest?: no one person
What's the next CD you're getting?: i dont really plan that
w h e n / w h a t - w a s - t h e - l a s t
Time you cried?: umm dont remember really
You got a real letter?: couple months ago
Kiss: no comment, there are children reading this thing
Time you got e-mail: i cleaned out about a bazillion this morning
TV program you watched: awesomely bad something or other
Movie you saw at the theatre: ummmm dodgeball i think but there might have been another one
y o u r - t h o u g h t s - o n
Abortion: not exactly sure on that one
Teenage smoking: kinda stupid idea but im not going to stop them
Spice Girls: first cd i had!
....and im spent