Ah crap. I've been dreading this next week but anticipating it too...it's wierd. Everyone's leaving (maybe not leaving for far away, but none the less we're all going separate ways) and I hate it. I've loved EVERY single minute of the past 12 months. I wouldn't trade one moment of it for a million dollars. The experiences were, well, much more than I ever expected. And the people..oh man don't get me started. I never realized how many awesome people I've been surrounded by until the past year. You name it, our friends went through it...fights, drama, death, birth (soon!), and of course we partied like crazy. Somehow we managed to make it through all that and it just made us even closer. I love it. I love you guys!
This is lame I know, but I've got some time to waste so...
Jaclyn- Uh, can you say RANDOM? Because that's what our friendship is based on! I mean we met 14 years ago...never thought we'd be so close. There were some ups and downs (Ok 6 months ago I honestly thought you and I were basically never going to hang out again let alone be best friends again) then you come back from NY and holy crap we've had a blast. All the crazyness...wow. I love it!! And I love that you're so honest with me, you tell it like it is. I'm not sure what I'll do without you around, but I know that you'll be visiting allll the time (you better or I'll have to come find you...in Europe or wherever you go!) You fucking rock :)
Andrea- I miss you wifey :( I don't know what happened...or why...but I love you! God, you were seriously there for me throughout soo much...any of the bad parts (there weren't a lot of those) last year, you helped me through them. I have NO clue what I would've done without you. Ha CHICKEN NUGGET!
Dibble- Not much to say since you're basically going to see me every day. Haha kidding. I mean, I'm glad we've gotten so close...I wish you would've been my roommate you slut. We've had some really good times, and luckily there's plenty more to come at Grand Valley.
Emilee- Wow! Our friendship takes total 180's all the time. But you've always been there for me and vice versa. It's some crazy shit that we were pen pals 10 years ago...then ended up being close. Believe it or not you've had a huge influence on me in a lot of ways. For one thing, I don't know that I'd be going to Grand Valley if we hadn't talked about living together even though that didn't happen. Crazy how things work out! I'm glad you'll be so close next year, we're gonna have a great time in GR!!!
Chels- Ah I know you've been around more lately but I still miss ya. Seriously...when I think of some of the highlights of my summer, you were there by my side and it was kick ass. Obviously the whole 4th of July thing was AWESOME and I'll never ever forget it. (I'm still mad at Howie..) But of course we go way way way back to like Kindergarden which makes you one of my oldest friends and I'll miss ya so much. I hope everything works out for you and that college life is awesome...don't ever hesitate to give me a call, or to send an invite to visit my way (you know I'll take you up on it!) And if Western just isn't for you, don't forget my offer for South Carolina!
McCleary- Dude where the hell have you been lately??? Just kidding, I know you're working your butt off. Hmm I must say you are one of my "funnest" friends haha. I mean, I can't even count how many crazy times we've had partying together...oh man. Not only that, but we've made it through some real drama. I guess I worry that we'll lose touch, so make sure you give me a call like, every other day haha to fill me in on all your adventures. I'm gonna miss you, come visit whenever you've got a weekend off!
Jackie- I'm so glad we've gotten to be closer! You've gotta be one of the sweetest girls I know. Seriously, I hope the best for you in everything you do and wherever you end up. And remember what I'm always telling you- don't settle for less than what you deserve. Love ya hun!
Jamey- (AKA Rapunzel) You're fuckin crazy man! And you're really awesome at calling shotgun!! Do you have any idea at all how much I'm going to miss seeing you run around the halls yelling "Ohhhh FIVE!!!!" in people's faces?! So much! Have fun at Western...OH and be sure to tell me when 'it' happens because as of right now it's me and you left baby!! Haha...
Nicci- You're such an awesome person. It sucks that we didn't all get to hang out because you were working :( Oh well, tonight is going to be a blast hopefully...great way to top off the summer. I hope everything works out for you in the future and what not...oh yeah and come visit ANY time you want!!
Tiff- Well I guess there won't be any more of you and me liking the same guys (at different times of course). We've been through how many now? Haha oh well, maybe you can send a few my way and I'll do the same. I'm sure I'll be visiting you guys at State, I mean it's like required or something. Stay in touch, and don't have too much fun without me!
Ame- Of course I had to put you and Tiff right next to each other! I remember thinking you were like the QUIETEST girl ever when I met you! We've had some good times (like hanging out with the Shores guys a couple years back...or how about that one night on your Bday?? haha) I'll miss ya.
Sarah- Just think, we were almost roommates. Then I had to go be stupid and change my mind. Sorry! I'm sure you and your new roommate are going to get along great. Don't forget the old days when we were both losers and we were best friends. Govalk baby! Ah we had some fun...
Ahhh I'm going to miss you girls so much!!