Tonight, I had one of the closest, most intense battles against mobs that I've experienced yet in WoW.
I'm hunting yetis in Feralas with Aelussa, who at this point, is at level 42. The ones I'm going after are mostly one or two levels above me, but I come across a cave which houses yetis around levels 45 and 46. I'm about to turn around and go back outside to fight the weaker ones, when I notice a gold blip on my minimap: a mithril vein inside the cave. Obviously, I can't pass up the chance to aquire some of that precious, precious mithril, so I sneak my way through the cave towards the vein.
The vein is guarded by one level 46 yeti, with two others (both either 45 or 46) just out of aggro range. I'd fought a couple of these high level yetis outside earlier, so I'm pretty confident that I can handle him so long as I'm careful not to pull the others. The fight starts on a less than positive note: my Cheap Shot misses, which puts me at an initial disadvantage. I hit Evasion to make up for it, which helps to even out the odds, and although I've lost a lot of health, I'm fairly confident that I'm going to win. That is, until I see a patrolling yeti, also level 46, walking quickly towards me. I can't kill the yeti I'm fighting fast enough to drop from combat and stealth before the patrolling yeti reaches me, and my Vanish hasn't cooled down yet from using it after a bad pull a few minutes ago. The patrolling yeti spots me when both my targetted yeti and I have about a fifth of our health left. I chug a healing potion, finish off the first yeti as quickly as I can, and turn my attention towards the new contender.
I'm now up against a yeti four levels my senior, with only half my health remaining, and my healing potion, Evasion, and Vanish all still on their cooldown timers. I'm in the back of a cave filled with 45-46 yetis, so running isn't an option. Under normal circumstances, I'd resign to my fate at this point... BUT THAT MITHRIL MUST BE MINE. I fight tooth and claw, Gouge him to get a precious few seconds of a bandage in, Kidney Shot at every chance I get. I know I can't kill him, but I merely hope that I can last long enough for my Vanish to cool down (only 20 seconds left...). I manage to get him down to about a sixth of his health, with only a hair-thin sliver of my own remaining. Vanish still has 10 seconds to go. I'm certain that the battle is lost. He could breathe on me at this point and I would die. He attacks, and I wince... miss. And again... miss. And again... miss. One of my Sinister Strikes crits, and he falls over dead.
After staring for a few moments in utter disbelief at the body of my fallen opponent, I quickly regather my thoughts, enter stealth, and make sure the two nearby yetis are still safely out of aggro range. I heal myself, and bolt directly towards the mithril vein. The sound of my mining pick cracking against the stone rings out like grand bells of victory, and the vein gleams as if a beacon celebrating my eternal greatness.
... The damn thing only gave me two fucking ore.