Nov 05, 2008 11:35
The best thing I've read this morning:
A cast of celebrities, including Spike Lee, Brad Pitt and Oprah Winfrey, roamed the maze of tents and media risers.
“I am going to try not to fall down and cry,” Winfrey said, as she emerged from a Port-O-Potty, describing what she would do when she sees Obama.
I'm not sure I can adequately put into words how it felt to be in Grant Park at the Obama victory rally last night. It was crowded, my feet hurt, my back hurt, but it didn't matter. I don't think I've ever felt so "one" with such a mass of fellow human beings in my life. The emotion and joy that swept up the crowd when they announced Barack as the projected winner was something I'll never forget. Tears of joy all around me. People of all colors around me, hugging and crying together. Tears streaming down the face of an elderly black woman to my right as she stared at the jumbotron in stunned exhilleration.
I could bore you with the details and logistics of the night, but I won't. It ran pretty smoothly and though the crowd was thick and it was standing room only, nobody seemed to mind too much.
They piped in CNN onto the jumbotron so we could follow along with the results all night. A roar would go up everytime a state would be called for Obama, especially exuberant when PA and OH were called. Who knew that watching CNN with over a hundred thousand people would be such a great time.
Thank you America, you've washed away my cynicism for at least this day.