Name: What I want the most
Author: Mizuki
Chapter: 8/12
Band: Gazette, mentions of other bands too(Dir en grey, Alice nine maybe more later on)
Pairing: UruhaXKai, KaiXOC , ReitaXRuki, AoiX?, AoiX? (and NO, two times AoiX? isn't a typo, it's on purpose*being a tease*)
Genre: Au, Highschool fic, Drama, Angst
Rating: R(for some chapters)
Disclaimer: I don’t own anyone in this fic…*sobs*
Notes: So here's part 8 like I promised~^^ I'm not 100% happy with how this part turned out but I just couldn't get it right>< More updates soon~!
Warnings: Not beta-readed
Summary: Uruha and Kai are close friends and roommates. Uruha feels more for Kai then bestfriends are supposed to, but Kai already has a Girlfriend. Kumiko, Kai’s girlfriend and a friend of Uruha, isn’t very fond of keeping her mouth shut about how great Kai is as boyfriend, causing Uruha to get jealous to no end.
Previous parts:
Part 1,
Part 2,
Part 4,
Part 5,
Part 6,
Part 7,
Part 8
I never found out what Aoi’s real intention was to go into the woods, and if it had to do something with Kai.
But if there was anything that I didn’t expect, it was the sight in front of me when I walked into the restrooms the next day.
Aoi kissing Kai’s girlfriend.
“You?!” I exclaimed, my jaw dropped in shock. I wasn’t sure if my words where directed to Aoi or Kumiko, I guess to both. They broke the kiss and in an eye blink Kumiko ran past me, out of the room.
“How could you do that to Kai?!” I all in but shouted at Aoi. Sweet and caring Kai, who made friends oh so easily, trusting people way to fast for his own good.
Aoi just shrugged and lit a cigarette. “She asked for it, and it gives you a chance with Kai if they break up” He said nonchalantly, his cigarette dangling from his fingers. Oh how I wished to slap it out of his hands.
I hated Kumiko yes, but if Kai was happy with her, I let it be. But her cheating on Kai? With Aoi, a friend for gods sake!
I mumbled some incoherent words and walked out of the restroom. How dare they!?
Ever since I saw Kai crying at the lake, he stopped trying to set me up with someone. But I rather would’ve to meet more people than seeing Kai’s always evident smile fading from his face, little by little till there was nothing left of his normally shining personality.
I knew the reason why he had been crying (or at least I thought I did), now I just needed to find a way to cheer him up again, but how?
I know Reita and Ruki noticed Kai’s change of behaviour. Hell, I knew everyone did, it was hard not to. But I wasn’t sure if they knew the reason too.
I spend a lot of free afternoons with Kai in our room. Not cause he asked me to be there, but because I knew he needed support and comforting, even when he crawled back in his shell and hid from the harsh world outside. He had to know and realise that he wasn’t alone.
Most of the time we sat in silence, both minding our own business (or rather, Kai minding his own business while I kept an eye on him)
After about a week of keeping up that routine of spending time together like that, Kai finally told me about Aoi and Kumiko. He broke down in front of me, not able to keep it inside much longer. I just hugged him close. He only told me how he had seen them kissing when he went to visit Aoi to ask him something (he refused to tell me what), He had ran away, and when Aoi saw Kai going out early the next day he had followed him for a talk(which was when I bumped into him).
Kai sniffled some more and I couldn’t help but stroking away his tears. We sat on Kai’s bed; my arms were tightly wrapped around him as he buried his face against my chest.
“Aoi told me, to grow up and see how clear it was that Kumiko didn’t really loved me, that she only used me...but that I...I-I didn’t loved her either. That she was happier with him” I frowned, I had always known Aoi was very straight forward, but this was plain harsh. Through I wondered if he was right and Kai did indeed not Kumiko as everyone thought he did.
Then there was this thought, how the hell did Aoi managed to steal the heart of this girl who was oh so fucking possessive over Kai, to make her leave Kai for him. It seemed a bit surreal to me, and I didn’t want to see the chances it opened for me, not yet at least. And I couldn’t help but feel that Kai left some words unspoken, some things that did matter greatly, I wished he would’ve told me everything and not just this tiny part.
“You’ll be okay, I’m here for you” I murmured softly before I noticed Kai had fallen asleep in my arms. I carefully laid him down. “Sleep sweet” I whispered and placed a kiss on his forehead, pulling the covers over him. He gave a soft murmur of approval and I felt my heart break a little bit more. With a soft sigh I retreated back to my own bed.
End of part 8
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