May 13, 2006 12:58
Seriously, who came up with this concept? Everyone says that Valentine's Day is a commercial holiday, but its really Mother's Day. Think about it -- not everyone has a sweetheart they have to spend money on, but everyone comes from a mama, and a good majority of people still have her around (whether or not we want to). My mother and I recently had a huge falling out... lots of disagreements and a huge argument that ended with me moving out. And yet, somehow, despite the fact that we're barely on speaking terms, I'm expected to get her something for Mother's Day. Don't get me wrong, I love my mother (she's my mother, I'm required to love her) but that doesn't mean I have to like her. So she's getting a card with my autograph on it, teehee. Besides, I'm poor now so she should consider herself lucky that she's getting that. If I'm in a good mood tomorrow she may get a phone call. Then again, that would ruin my good mood, so maybe not. I sound horrible, don't I? I'm a terrible daughter, I know -- but she's not the greatest of mothers either, so oh well. I'm a daddy's girl so Father's Day will go much smoother ^_^ I did get my Fairy Godmother a card for tomorrow though... I hope she likes it :-)