Feb 08, 2004 14:35
hello everyone. how is the world. friday night... no game but we went to kelly fishers house which was weird at first, some fun times, some boring times, all the usual. that night felt like it dragged on and on and would never end! prob bc im not used to staying at one persons house without leaving for 4 hours. it was still fun tho. sat i worked and i was suppose to go out to dinner but my gpa came over and had dinner with us so i couldnt. then nothing was happening so me liana and larissa drove around for a while, went to arbys with everyone where i saw kat's car but no kat :o( and finally ended up at nicks. and catie took me to nicks... lol nice times in the car. it was crazy. nicks started out everyone was downstairs wandering around and it ended up me matt alicia erin and nicks brother watching a crazy ass movie. it was a really sad/intense movie and we were all so into it we were silent the whole night just watching this movie. everyone else was upstairs doing whatever but yea. this weekend was rather interesting/boring/next weekend is going to be so much sweeter - freeman game! whoo. so i have some homework and tests and stuff to study for but do i really feel like it? no. im home alone and all i feel like doing is being with people. ironic? when i feel like being alone im with a ton of people, when i want people where are they!? oh well. i wish i owned pirates of the caribbean because it is sweet and i really want to watch it right now.... by myself :o( SCHOOL SUCKS! beach week meeting tonight gets me extremely excited! its going to be off the wall. eyebrow pierced?? i wanna! lol so i cannot wait till i turn 18 - getting my ears pierced, buying the big p with kate :o) haha thats going to be frikin amazing! buying lotto tickets, doing other stuff that 18 year olds do.. riiiight. haha okie im out ~ love out