Apr 30, 2007 02:40
Christ is risen! Христос воскресе!
Good Saints today! Pope St. Agapitus was apparently a healer and wonderworker connected with both the West and the East, and Sts. Savvatiy and Zosima were the co-founders of the great Solovets Monastery in far northern Russian. (The Solovets Monastery later became a bastion of the Old Belief during the reign of Tsar Aleksey Mikhailovich and most of its monks were martyred by the tsar's armies due to their refusal to accept the reforms introduced under Patriarch Nikon.)
My dad's been here since Friday and although I haven't seen much of him due to CAHO it's been nice having him around. Hopefully I'll see more of him now that CAHO's over. It was good to see people at CAHO, but it was a busy weekend and I didn't get to spend as much time at CAHO as I'd planned. Only twelve days till graduation! I can hardly believe it! It's both exciting and terrifying. Still no worker either :-/, so the terror's got the upper hand at the moment :-). There's enough to be done in the meantime though - plenty of papers to be written and books to be read.
I just finished doing some much needed cleaning of my room, and now I need to put together a presentation on the non-existent final paper for my American Revolution class in case I'm supposed to talk about it in class this afternoon :-/. We'll see how that goes - I've got the resources for my paper, but I haven't actually done any major researching for it yet :-/. It'll have something to do with the Loyalists, that much is for certain. Putting together this presentation should be helpful - it'll force me pick a focus for my paper and write an outline all at the same time :-).
I miss you all. As graduation draws nearer I begin to think of everywhere I've lived and everywhere I'd like to live, and my yearning to be with all of you in all the places you are grows in intensity and makes my heart ache. If only I could be with all of you! I have been so deeply blessed to know you. Forgive me for not keeping in touch as I should.
Your prayers for the present and the future - they're needed for both.
job search,