St. Colman of Lindisfarne

Mar 03, 2009 05:35

It is crazy early, but I feel asleep by 10pm (I think) and I'm up early enough to get everyone done that I need to before I leave for Zenebewerq.

My sister just told me to do something. If she hadn't said anything, then I would've done it myself today. But no, she had to be mom and now doing the deed will feel like putting my face in the mud before her. I guess it's what I get for not bothering going to church on Forgiveness Sunday and bowing before everyone there :-/.

Frown. Oh well and anyways! I need to start getting ready for the day. I cannot wait to get home - lol, well, "home." I IMed with an old friend yesterday that I hadn't talked to in months and now I'm so ready to leave, even though I'm beginning to like being here a lot more than I was :-/.

I hope this finds you all well!

addis abeba, family, life, ethiopia, home, friends

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