Aug 30, 2007 11:00
The party was a BLAST, I'll post pics when I get them (*I* haven't seen any yet, believe it or not!)
Down at mom's for 2 days for my rescheduled CT Scan, catching up on my flist, and trying to get back to being organized. I gotta get back to a daily TO DO list, 'cuz stuff has just gotten away from me the past couple of weeks. I've been obsessed with the cooking thing (had another lesson that went really well), that I just forgot to look at my calendar... Short term memory loss is a bitch when you forget you need to LOOK at a daily TO DO list!!!!
I see the eye dr again tomorrow morning; I'm pretty sure the prescription in my left eye is worse (he can't figure out why the pressure they measure for glaucoma is higher in the left; it's not the tumor), and I KNOW I need bifocals. I'm hoping a prescription correction will help with some of the dizzyness...
Off for a walk to the local organic market; forgot to pack breakfast for tomorrow, and want Halibut for lunch..