Oct 10, 2005 16:58
Yes, thats right Azhirai, thats -TWO- back to back updates! What have you got to say about that!?
Anyway, today started off with a groan and me rolling from my bed; the night before having been terrible to start off with, this morning wasn't looking too great either. I had been woken early to pick up mom from the "Brake Check" because the brakes in the Altima are a more then a little iffy at the moment. My mother, queen of the puns, made some commment about a screeching halt and something else... either way, it had to be looked at. So, we run this simple and quick errand, then chill on the couch drinking coffee while I mentally plan out my day (yes, as in getting stuff done) when the doorbell suddenly rings. Now, just so you understand, nearly my entire family is nocturnal. Visitors don't normally come around this time, so I get up and drudge my way over to the door - still wearing a T-shirt and paint stained sweats - and answer the door. To my surprise and discomfort, I found myself look at a bright and as always cheery Christy and her fiance, Derrick, the proverbial nemesis. Actually, when I think about it, I seem to have choosen a rather poor nemesis. Infact, its probably time I find myself a new one consider this one is primarily damaged goods. He's rude, crude, a self-destructive mix of bi-polar and ADHD and an 'me' complex. Possibly the only thing going for the brute is fairly good looks and some height (he's less then an inch shorter then I). However, at the moment he's thinner then I am, and proceeded to rub that in my face, taking away from the time of the eventual beating that for some reason I know is going to happen. I've always thought that I'll end up fighting that man, and I never knew why, but now that I've declared him my no. 1 enemy, it makes sense. Personally, I blame Cristy. Derrick was not only managable but also a decent friend until the two met. Funnily enough, the same could be said about Cristy as well, who eventually turned into a feral-mouthed red headed she-demon after about 6 months with the man. The two are excellent for each other but seemingly bad for everyone else around them. This could just be my opinion, but the way they live above everyone else, the constant downcast opinions, the backstabbing table talk, everything that makes them, well, THEM, only goes to sully their character even more. So after a good 6 hours or so of putting on my game face, I'm eventually saved by the work bell.
I'll put more about it later, at the moment I'm tired of writing and I'm slowly getting used to this. I'm finding it harder to remember little events, so I'm going to begin doing this sooner, even maybe writing notes on a pad I'll carry around with me to return to me those things I forget.