Name: Michelle
Personal Journal:
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Name: Ryutaros
Source: Kamen Rider Den-O
Canon Background: Ryutaros is an Imagin, a form of monster that grants wishes to weak-hearted humans and when the wish is fulfilled they enter their contract-holder. They pass through time to the person's most precious memory where they start to destroy the past.
Ryutaros is a little bit different than his brethren where as he possesses, with three other Imagin, the body of a Singularity Point. This SP is a person who can exist outside their own time-line and even if the past is altered, for example by the Imagin, they and their memories are not altered.
Ryutaros lays dormant inside the SP, Nogami Ryotaro, until some counseling by a suitor of Ryotaro's sister. Ryutaros had a deal with the series' last villain, Kai, in which he would take over the Den-Liner, a train that travels through time, and destroy Ryotaro. But because Ryutaros has developed feelings of a younger sibling for Ari he cannot go through with it.
When possessing Ryotaro the SP's appearance changes: light purple eyes, baseball cap with extremely-wavy bangs on the left side, parts of those have a purple streak in them, a set of headphones around his neck, his clothes often change to those of an open button-shirt (usually plaid) with a white shirt underneath, and somewhat baggy jeans. Ryutaros often breaks out into...break dancing and loves animals. He also possesses one of Kai's abilities, controlling people at the snap of his fingers. Though Ryutaros often uses this for a less evil cause, most of the time it is to get a break dancing group together.
When in the Rider form Ryutaros is a Gun Form and has questionable shooting ability. He often is found on the Den-Liner coloring and drawing pictures. Ryutaros is much like a small child, often playing with toys meant for a younger age group. He'll do anything to protect Ari, any family member really, and animals. Ryutaros is completely headstrong and self-centered, wanting what he wants when he wants it. His personality often comes across as a spoiled little brat.
Ten Years Later: Brought over when possessing Ryotaro he seems to be...stuck and can't revert back to his Imagin form. Ryutaros is really distraught and is depressed for a while, though curiosity gets the best of him later on.
Still childish as he never really had a chance to grow up he can't take care of himself very well. He tries though it often fails. One thing Ryutaros does miss a lot is the snap that gains him a dance crew.
Job/Career: Toy shop owner~
TYL Age: We never really hear about Ryotaro's age and it'd be based off of him. I'm guessing about 18 or 19, so Ryutaros stuck in Ryotaro's body would be 28 or 29 ish.