KIDS coming soon

Jan 15, 2008 01:10

Чуть меньше месяца до выхода фильма, а конференции и промоушены уже пошли

KIDS will come 2.02.08. I'm waiting ^_^

Cuuuute ☆

Teppei Koike of pop duo WaT has been chosen to star in Tatsuya Hagishima's movie "KIDS," based on the short story "Kiz/Kids" by Otsuichi. Hagishima previously directed "Kimi ni Shika Kikoenai," also based on a story by the same author.

"KIDS" revolves around a young man named Asato, who has the power to transfer other people's wounds to his own body. The story focuses on his friendship with another young man named Takeo (played by Hiroshi Tamaki). Chiaki Kuriyama also has a part in the cast.

The movie is scheduled to open in February.

movie, pics, kids

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