Rambling Thoughts

Feb 21, 2012 10:47

Sorry for not posting anything much during my semester break. Usually you get a lot of time to do your blog during semester breaks but well not for me... ^ ^;;; I have been getting lazy these days and it didn't looked so good... sigh.

Ah, well, it has been hard for me to think of what I wanted to be these days. I love drawing cartoons and it has been a dream of mine to work in an animation or illustration field but the thing is I'm taking graphic design course. There's nothing bad about it really, it's kinda good because you get to learn other interesting stuff about arts and designs but still I am more passionate towards creating characters and drawing cute stuff which is not taught during my studies in my university. I do practice a lot but I don't get any direct comments like that some parts of my drawings needed to be fixed or anything that will help me to improve. I am a slow learner so it would be best for someone to teach or comment seriously on my drawings but still some people are kinda scared to comment because those comments will hurt my feelings. I don't really care about that much, as long it helps me to build my skills. I did saw my very old Deviantart account yesterday and I was like, wow, I used to be very hardworking at putting in lots of details in my drawings! what happened to me now??? I have been lazy and my details on my drawings are getting less. Then I realized that I needed to be my past self! I need to stop being lazy or keep on nagging that I can't do this and that but just keep on practicing my drawings! People say PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT and that phrase is so true. It is not too late for me to practice on my drawings.
In the end, I just need to keep on practicing harder and put to good use of my books.

I have been wanting to practice Adobe After Effects but it kinda sucks when my laptop started to lag and I can't even do a simple work. D: and this makes me lose my mood to practice. dammit. Oh well, I just hope that I will be able to do a small work when I got my computer soon after my graduation. Mum promised me that she will get me a computer after I have finish my final semester and I am so happy to hear that. I will do my best and make my parents proud. :)

Exam results will be announced this Wednesday and I am so nervous about it. I just hope I will get a good result or as long as I passed all of the subjects then I am totally grateful that I am going to move on to the next semester without any problem. My sister passed all of her subjects but she is not very happy about getting a C+ in one of her subjects. Oh well, be thankful that you passed and not repeat any of the subjects.
So, wish me luck and good luck to my friends who are getting their results this Wednesday too. :D


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