Mar 20, 2019 20:33
Hi friends!
It's me, Hanum!
Since all my subs are locked, if you want us to be friends and access my locked posts, you can leave a comment here.
- Don't re-posted my subs to ANY online platforms! Upload screenshoots on Twitter is fine, but not the video!
- Don't hotlink my subs! Direct people to the original post. If said post already locked, direct them to this post.
- Don't re-translate my translation/ sub without permission.
- If you use my translations, please give credit to me.
Now, let's be friends:
- I only add back LJ account; I won't add you back if you're not using LJ account.
- Your account cannot be empty; means you actively use your account.
- Tell me a bit about yourself; you can tell me your name, where you're from, who's your favorite, basically anything you want to say.
Please keep all the subs you've downloaded here for yourself.
PS: Don't be rude. If you meet all the conditions I stated, I'll definitely add you back.
PPS: Give me some time to add everyone back. I obviously not here 24/7.
Edited April 19th, 2020
Have a great day :D