Apr 30, 2005 20:25
((_*hey*_)) geesh i haven't updated this in s0 l0ng since i'm s0 busy with s0ftball nD stuff but anyways everything has be g0ing s0 go0d i finally f0und sum0ne i really like nD he thinks i'm cute :) but anyways s0ftball has being going pretty goOd 2. . .but anyways. . .
((_*Friday*_))i went t0 sko0l it was really b0ring nD ppl r s0 annoying becuz they always have to run their m0uths but anyways. . .after sko0l we had a away game at great mills nD we w0n 17 t0 10 nD i g0t a h0merun off a walk i kn0w that s0unds werid but it's tru lol then on the way home on the bus me nD taylor where singing lol then we where listening t0 andrew nD spencer try to rap lol it was s0 funny then we finally g0t back t0 sko0l at 8:3o then me,taylor,sam,pagie and lauren went t0 red robin for dinner then we walked to cold stone but didn't get ice cream then my parents came nD picked me,taylor,lauren nD pagie up nD we to0k them h0me nD 0n the way h0me we saw a car that had crashed in the wo0ds nD it was pat nd sum b0i andrew then we finally g0t h0me nD i went t0 sleep
((_*Today*_))i was suppose to have a tournament f0r s0ftball but it was canceled then i g0t ready f0r the day then me nD parents went up the road becuz my dad had t0 d0 sum lil paper w0rk f0r our new suburban then when we where coming back d0wn the r0ad taylor texted me t0 see if i wanted t0 d0 sumthing nD i was like i'm g0ing t0 the mall later nD she was like i wanna c0me s0 she came with me t0 the mall nD i gOt this really cute skirt nD shirt fr0m aeropostale then we walked ar0und f0r a while then we went t0 lady fo0t l0cker nD i g0t a pair of white 2o's then we finally left the mall nD me nD my family nD taylor nD her m0m went t0 led0's f0r dinner nD sam was our waitress nD pagie was w0rking t0 nD we talked t0 her then me nD taylor went t0 the bathro0ms nD we c0uld see back in the kitchen nD i saw pat then we back to the table nD ate nD sam talked us in t0 getting this really big sundae s0 me nD taylor shared one since it was s0 big then we finally left but i was talking t0 pagie nD she wanted me t0 say hi t0 pat but he was in the back then we left nD i came h0me but anyways i'm ab0ut t0 g0 becuz i need t0 clean my ro0m up s0 see ya bye luv ya | |xO| |KiimMiie| |Ox aka Kay Kay lol