WARNING!!! *My thoughts, and my thoughts alone*

May 31, 2007 23:00

This is the first in a revival of what my journal is going to be about. This journal is going to be. My thoughts, my ideas, my whatever I want. It will never be a place of backstabbing, badmouthing, or secret revealing will ever go on here. But I am not going to hold back how my emotions come out in order to protect someone's feelings. If you don't like what I am saying, do read my journal. That being said...of course any comments of love, encouragement, constructive critisism,...whatever the situation may be...will always be welcomed and appreciated. I need a place to be myself and this is going to be it. You must send me a comment to see any of my posts as all entries will be friends only. Welcome to my head.........you may not get out alive.