Aug 17, 2006 11:44
how do you know when it's the right time for something? is something..not lame, and finally acceptable?..... even if you think you are ready to stop viewing something from bitter eyes, [] you will still have friends who do, and so they will treat you unfairly, telling you that you are immature or lame or dumb or something. and also, stuff you have said in the past will be held against the present.
what im thinking is that..when will the mushy cute stuff stop making your vomitting reflexes awaken? when will we be "old enough" and "mature enough" to have that stuff be okay...and to have our friends be like.."aww! thats so cute." rather than "oh my gosh. you are so lame". i just am wondering.......some people might say when its the right person or when you are married or something....but really. you dont just wake up one morning married, you are gonna have to start letting someone in at some point.
and i've decided im gonna do what i want and not care what you think. cause you are bitter., so clearly your opinion is not really that desirable anyways. haha.
on another note, i think im just too afraid.
"We’ve reduced love to nothing more than a cliché….
We’ve reduced commitment and devotion down to… well down to nothing..
We’ve reduced sex to a “naughty” act you do with just anyone whenever you feel like it
We’ve reduced women down to mere objects to be drooled over….
We’ve reduced this life down to a meaningless existence…
We've reduced people down to worthless clumps of tissue...
We’ve reduced God down to an ideal….
We’re throwing our lives away…… we’re throwing away the gift we’ve been given….
We have blinders on and we can’t see outside of this narrow vision we’ve created for ourselves…..THERE’S MORE….. i know because i’ve seen glimpses of it along the way…. I’ve felt it… i know you’ve had moments like that too… when you realized that this isn’t all there is, that this can’t be all there is, that life is bigger than what we see, those moments sneak up on us and they bring hope and wonder and joy… But i’m numb to it all too often… but there’s these moments when i can feel again…. My eyes are opened to the fact that we’re throwing eternity away… we’re settling for less….
it's true and whenever we pretend that our lives are the special ones, the "better" ones, we realize time and time again that they aren't.....that we are just like everyone else....and that we can't hold ourselves on a pedistool because we are wasting our lives just like the next guy.
i think relationships is a big one for teenagers. tons of people don't feel happy if they are alone, and "need" that someone to be in their life. news flash: life doesn't work like that. sometimes life sucks and people get taken away, or grow distant...and you can't really rely on them. or anyone. sometimes.
be patient. be patient. be patient.
hold tight to that which makes you happy.
that's my lesson for the day.