tales of horikoshi gakuen [2] Apocalypse

Dec 11, 2009 20:43

Title: Tales of Horikoshi Gakuen [2] Apocalypse
Pairing: Nakajima Yuuto-orgy, mentions of Yamada Ryosuke/Shida Mirai
Rating: PG
Genre: Crack/Humor
Word Count: ~700
Warnings: Poking fun of a certain series, be warned.
Summary: Horikoshi Gakuen, a school for the elite, for the up-and-coming stars of the entertainment industry, exotic, new. But high school, in the end, is still high school. Sparks fly (or not), sexualities are questioned, and hormones go on overdrive.

Future stars or not, teenagers are teenagers.
Chapter Summary: Yuuto has been seeing a lot of these books lately, and it scares him. No, not the books, silly! (Sort of.) Just the fact that Chiinen isn’t fanboying over Ohno. Wait, what?!

Click for Class List
[1] Homoflexible

There were three things Yuuto was certain of (he swears to God and every deity known to man).

First, that book was freaking everywhere.

Second, it was being obsessed over by every single one of the female population-and Chiinen.

Third, Chiinen was fanboying over something that was not Ohno, the world was going to come to an end in a flurry of exploding sequins and man boas.

The black, red and white novels peeked out of every bag were, tucked under every arm, and was read over nine thousand times accompanied by some really dramatic swooning. Even Mirai, who shunned everything to do with romance (thanks to a certain someone who shall not be named), was reading the dreaded series at a pace not even known to man.

Thankfully, not everyone had succumbed to the disease. Namely, his best friend, and Kamiki (but Kamiki was immune to hormones, the flu, and Saaya, among other things). But still, Ryosuke was bent on finding out exactly why all the girls were so into the books and decided to read it for himself, so Yuuto had already technically lost his best friend.

Well, at least it had been just school. At first.

The epidemic had soon reached even the JUMP dressing room, courtesy of a certain short midget. Inoo of all people was reading it and crying over the last book, having fits with Chiinen. Once, Yuuto had voiced out his opinion, “Seriously guys, aren’t you afraid that the world’s going to end because CHIINEN ISN’T SPAZZING OVER OHNO-SENPAI?!” only to be hn’d by Ryuutaro and smacked by Yabu with a towel. “Yama-chan! Our only hope to stop apocalypse doesn’t care! What do we do now?”

“Indoor voices, Yuuto, indoor voices!” Chiinen hissed like a cat with rabies, throwing the nearest object (which was an unopened bottle of water) and missed his head by mere centimeters.

Never again did he dare bring up the topic of the Book in the dressing room.

But back to the epidemic at school.

He couldn’t go anywhere without the book being shoved right in his face and girls sighing happily at thoughts of the sparkly-vampire-fairy-disco ball-whatever, their mindlessly fainting spells only broken with shrieks of delight out of seemingly nowhere.

Yuuto sighed, plopping into his seat and laying his head down, eyes vacant. He didn’t understand the appeal (though he didn’t understand a lot of things really), the romance was like some bad shoujo manga novel and the writing was flowery, slightly hard to digest.

He grunted, shifting uncomfortably in his seat, praying, begging the day to be over so he could go home and bury his face into the sheets, drown out the hum of squealing with music, drum playing, anything but have it play like a broken tape in his head.

“Nakajima-kun, help me with the Christmas decorations, yeah?” Mirai sang as she threw a bottle of glitter over, fully expecting him to catch it. As the bottle soared, it was blissfully unaware about the dark deed it was about to enact on a poor, defenseless teenage boy stuck in a room chockfull of teenage, hormonal girls ready to pounce the next thing that so much as shimmered.

The bottle spontaneously combusted and covered the poor idol in sparkly, irritating material. The room fell dead and you could hear Kamiki think in the background.

“He sparkles!” Asami squeaked, and within 5.62 seconds, forty-two girls and Chiinen tackled him to the ground. Ever so slowly, Ryosuke inched away, holding his breath. Maybe if he were really quiet, they’d go away.

Hn, wait, maybe that should be the next tactic he employed.

“I tried everything, it doesn’t work,” Ryosuke pouted, sipping his milk woefully as he lamented his high school life without a girlfriend who didn’t punch him every time he opened his mouth. (Not that Mirai could even technically be counted as his girlfriend, given the fact that they were on again, off again, on again, then off again, rinse and repeat.)

“Even the stalking?” Yuuto quipped and pressed ice against his brow, happily traumatized for the rest of his life after being molested by girls (and Chiinen) screaming something about smoldering topaz eyes and please bite me and let me have your babies. Not a pleasant experience, but he’s gone through worse.

Ryosuke nodded.

“To be honest, Yama-chan, you scare me even more than the girls do.”

Author’s Note:
Ahahaha please don’t kill me. :D
So. Thoughts?

disclaimer: this is purely fictional. any coincidences with things in real life, dead or alive, coincidental or not, are for fictional purposes only.
all talents © themselves & their respective talent agency

pairing: crack, crack is awesome, fanfiction: tales of horikoshi gakuen, pairing: yamada/shida

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