NO MORE AMPH !!! *does dance*

Jun 10, 2005 18:20


Today it had been 3 weeks and 1 day since i applied at Cat foot and i hadnt gotten my acceptance/Denial letter yet so i called teh office and i talked to the lady who was extremely nice and friendly(you know the exact opposite of Amphi Staff) and she said that she just sent my letter today and i should get it tommorw and i got ACCEPTED!. I am so freakin happy! It took buch loads of stress off of my and now i get a fresh start at a new school that will hopefully challege me more, plus the whole 73% anglo vs. 17% Mexican thing is so awsome! *dances and sings(I'm getting out of the ghetto)* lol

AND i got tickets to the advance screening of Batman thats on Monday through KFMA :D sooo happy. Dad and I are going to go. YOu know since i cant drive and its way the hell out at Park place.

PLUS on Monday or Tuesday i got my report Card which i was very pleased to see i have a 3.855 gpa. If i was better at French i could have a 4.0 but i suck. That's nothing new but i am happy with my grades and that is anapccomplishment.

Last night Sarah V spent the night that way she could watch the Mtv Movie awards. AND Sarah C. came over for a bit and hang out and made shorts out of her pants. It was all fun. I am really gladd igot to see her before she left this morning over all the last 2 days have been just awsome.

Tommorw i want to go down 4th aveanue and look for a skirt since i had no luck at the mall, beside there were too many wetbacks yelling in spanish to their kids(or as i like to call them the birthed green card).

Sunday i might go to Tombstone with my dad's friend(Uncle Chet)[not actually related, he's just way cooler than the majority of my blood relatives]. I an not shure if my parents are going tho.

Oh yea and today i fould out the my Grandpa Stang was German NOT Irish, and he was rasist and Nazi like, but NOT A NAZi, more like a white supremisist in the reserves =P that makes no since but if you know me it really does. So now my heritage is as follows: French Canadien,German,Irish, Mexican .......WOW Aren't I A mutt =p Thats all for now but maybe something else good will pop up :D
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