Sep 02, 2005 18:19

Ugh they SUCK! AND they are being completelyt mean to me! Everyone seems to forget that i am going up and that i am a person. They forget that i need a place to sleep too! GOD i HATE this TRIP! Lets start with the BEGINGING of this story, since noone has really heard the whole thing, just me ranting or raving at particular parts

My Family along with my mom's side(only not dads) Is going up to Pinetop to stay the weekend in my Uncle's new house/cabin/living establishment.

we are leaving at 6 am tommrow morning.

My grandma wants to spend the night over here and my MOM told her thats fine, when we DONT HAVE a Spare bed. She gets MYNE! and i am FREAKIN sick and i dont want to sleep with HER i want MY bed to MYSELF, which sounds completely selfish, but i think i deserve it since it is MY BED that i had to beg for last year because my old one was from the 1960's and rotting, now i have a new bed that's all my own and i want to Sleep in it, as long as possible!
NOW my UNCLE is coming up with us!!!! GOD FREAKIN DAMNIT! I HATE THAt MY parents bought a damn VAn, because we get stuck hauling the fucking relatives EVERY freakin' place they want! Itz Bullshit! They dont even want to pay for gass!

So tonight being sick i get to sleep on the couch all uncomfortable and freakin pissed off.

Then tommorw morning i get to wake up early and listen to old people grunt and goan at 6 am. What fuN! *dripping w/ sarcasm*

Itz a freakin 4 hour ride up there! and BACK!!!!

Yay 4 hours with people i hate (not including Dad on this one, he's as innocent as me, and hates mom's family too)

Then oh yay Up @ Uncle Steve's until Monday afternoon, what joy! *sarcam*

My cousin even gets to bring his freakin' hump buddy girlfriend and i cant even bring just a friend! I HATE him. He's a spoiled little brat that gets huis own way all the time and does a bunch of crap and never gets into trouble, while i do nothing and get freakin yelled at like i am a runnawy from Alcatraz.

And my cousin who is 5 is going up too, which means that My freakin Aunt is going to stick me with baby-sitting and i have a freakin load of homework today from being SICK, which i am STILL and getting worse from all this crying!

I get to spend the weekend feling all alone with no connections to the outside world because my family treats me like a freak and hates me. I swear to god, if my grandpa was still around none of this shit would happen, He was the only one that i really liked in my Family, times like these make me really want him around.

The only time my family ever talks to me is to ask if i have a boyfriend. Because i am allways single and thats not right because they thinki am a lesbian, may i remind you they are all close-minded catholics, so being a lesbian or gay will condem you to hell. BTW I'm NOT A LESBIAN. And then the uncle s preceed to ask me why. I swear they want me to be a pregant unwed teenage mother just like thir wives were (not my mom, she was married 9 years b4 they had me). So then they piss me off and they can tell, so noone will talk to me 4 the rest of the weekend they will just give me dirty looks.

Ohh and then a 4 hour drive home, my parents are going to get really pissed at me for being anti-social and that i should be more active in the family, beuce at this time my dad will trade sides, because he remebers that my unlcle's are cool.(not)

I hate MY family. The only people i like are my Uncle Jim (in Illinoise, Uncle mike in illinoise, and unlce bobby in Canada/NY) Arent i a lucky girl?! Which you think would be the spoiled only-schild, but really isnt.

Sry about be blabbing for so long, but i almost feel a little better.
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