Yellow Xterras Are Not Meant for Secret Meetings (VM/HP), PG-13

Jan 04, 2007 09:30

Title: Yellow Xterras Are Not Meant for Secret Meetings
Fandom: Harry Potter/Veronica Mars
Rating: PG-13
Characters/Pairings: Logan, Weevil, Sirius
Genre: General, Humor, Pointless Non-Fluff
Word Count: 817
Summary: Logan and Weevil have a meeting with someone who's used to being falsely accused of murder.
Notes: Old drabble from queerditch_pub.  Prompt: motorcycles and false accusations.  I didn't post this one when I wrote it because I thought I might expand it, and while that may still happen one of these days, I don't foresee it happening any time soon.  So if it never happens, at least you have this. ^_^
Status: Complete

The night wasn't so dark in California...  )

character: logan, character: weevil, fandom: crossover, fandom: veronica mars, character: sirius, fandom: harry potter

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