The Green-Eyed Rabbit (SM), PG

Apr 03, 2011 22:44

Title: The Green-Eyed Rabbit
Fandom: Sailor Moon
Rating: PG
Characters/Pairings: Usagi/Mamoru
Genre: Humor, Romance
Word Count: 351
Summary: Usagi isn't jealous; she just doesn't like to share her boyfriend.
Notes: Written as a bribe for browneyedmami at sailormoonland.

It's not so much that Usagi is jealous. It's just that she doesn't want to share. Mamoru is her boyfriend, and she doesn't think it’s unreasonable of her to take this position.

On the other hand, she has long since accepted the fact that her Mamo-chan is an attractive hunk of manhood. She doesn't begrudge the sly looks he gets from passers-by, or the occasional schoolgirl giggling at him inside the arcade. She even understands why, sometimes, her friends give him an appreciative glance before continuing about their business. She loves and trusts them so much that she doesn't even consider them a danger to her relationship.

Frankly, Usagi thinks she's fairly reasonable when it comes to the issue of jealousy (especially since she is not, repeat, NOT jealous). Definitely not even a little bit jealous.

She just wishes the evil overladies would keep their hands to themselves already.

"Don't you think you're overreacting just a bit, Usako?" Mamo-chan asks her, an annoying but not unattractive smirk on his face.

Usagi glares. "No, I don't think I'm overreacting. I am sick and tired of you being the object of desire for every female bad guy we run into."

He frowns. "I think you're overstating the case just a--"

"Beryl destroyed an entire civilization because she was in love with you," Usagi snapped, counting down the villainesses. "Black Lady - your own daughter--"

"The evil incarnate of my daughter," Mamoru interrupted.

A small voice in Usagi's head that sounded suspiciously like Minako said, "Same difference."

Usagi ignored it and pressed on. "Doesn't matter, she still wanted you. Nehellenia expressed her desire for you in her dying breath, and of all the horrors Galaxia subjected me to, watching her kiss you was easily in the top three."

Mamoru sighed. "All right. Fine. So there's a certain... similarity in the incidents."

Usagi snorted.

"But don't you think me wearing a fake handlebar mustache as Tuxedo Kamen is taking it too far?" Mamoru asked, gesturing to the offending accessory gracing his lip like two kissing caterpillars.

Usagi pretended to consider the point.


character: usagi, pairing: usagi/mamoru, fandom: sailor moon, character: mamoru

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