Jul 11, 2007 13:01




I still have yet to finish actually reading the 5th book, so when I finish I will post another entry making my comparissons, but whatever. In any case.

Order of the Pheonix was a GREAT movie. FANTASTICAL. I wanted to cry when Trelawney got "fired" and when she was all "Hogwarts is... my home. You can't do this."

And I did cry when Harry enterred Severus' mind and saw his crap childhood. I already knew all about all that jazz since I'm a Severus fanatic, and I did cry. not excessively, but I did.

Sirius dying was really sad too. I loved that they did the mute thing immediately after. It made it much more powerful, I think, seeing Harry scream out to Sirius, but us not being able to hear him. I think I understand the "portal" everyone says Sirius "disapeared" into, but unfortunately for his fans, I think he's actually dead. Because as they portrayed it in the movie:

The gang go to the room with the portal thing.
Harry heard voices coming from it, but he could not understand what they were saying.
No one else could hear the voices, except Luna.
Blah blah blah, some battle stuff.
Bellatrix used the Avada Kadavra on Sirius.
Sirius goes "limp" and closes his eyes as he is sucked into the portal.

And I figure it's a gateway portal thing into the Underworld or Realm of the Dead, or whatever you wish to call it, since Luna and Harry are the only two [of the group] who can see the "dead" Dragon-Horse things, and they are the only two [of the group] who have seen death.

In any case, the movie was fantastic. I do wish however that more little details were in the movie, and that the beginning wasn't so jumpy. Seriously, it was like:

Harry and Dudley at playground thing.
Dementor attack.
Mrs. Figg helps Harry and Dudley get back home.
Dudley is freaking out.
Harry get's ONE letter, from the Ministry, telling him he's expelled.
The Dursleys go in their car to get Dudley to the hospital, not the fake gardening-lawn award.
Harry leaves with the Aurors. No packing is done. Literally, they get to 4 Pivet Drive, and then fly off.
They get to Headquarters where Harry meets up with Hermione and Ron. THIS is where Hermione mentions the hearing. It was never mentioned before, so if someone hadn't read the book, they would be all, "WTF? What hearing? About what?"

But whatever. Again, I liked the movie overall.

And I am proud of the fact that Jordan and I caused the theatre to laugh after Umbridge's stupid, deumbledore-interupting speech. =P She made it and then, coincidentally, Jordan and I both when, "Ughhhh..." in this moany fashion, and the theatre laughed. =P I feel special.
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