Dec 11, 2003 20:02
writing that last paper of the semester, the one i put off, well, not exsactly put off, but...forgot about, well still, I'm putting it off now, I am right now typing this while i should be typing that, which would get me home sooner, which is always better.
you know whatelse would be better, if i had microsoft word on my 'computer' at home, actulay my oversize paper weight that I recently gave up on and buried in the closet...
so I am at the mahan lab at school, which is actualy kind of okay right now, because people are here that i know....
Any way, tomorrow after I turn this into the two people who need it i will be done...but still be stuck in this stupid town while everyone else gets to go home to civilization..
but i will live on, i will work my 8hrs a day 5 days a week, come home to my cats and dog, and paint...and hopefully paint alot!!!
i'd love to come home..that is rochester like area, for a weekend during break. just to remember what it's like to be...I don't know around..
would there be anyone out there who would like to see me if I come around???
we'll see..wouldn't we.