It begins

Jul 30, 2004 17:38

Character: Kigaeno Moondancer
Rating: R
Place: new excavation on the northern outskirts of Zanarkand Ruins
Time: one month before game start

"Die. Die. Die. Die. Die..." the thoughts rang out into empty space.

The leader of the excavation took another odd look at the steal, carved with what looked like claw marks in the eerie text. What kind of creature had this been? Was it a fiend? If it was, it was like nothing they had ever seen. Fiends weren't likely to be intelligent enough to carve something into the wall then store themselves in a stasis pod. Much less the way this one had been altered. From what they could tell it had been siphoning some sort of energy into the creature, though for the life of them no one could figure out how it worked.

"Quiet.... Die. Die. Die. Die." the thoughts rang out still. How long had it been?

What it did wasn't important. The creature was dead. It wasn't breathing. It had no pulse, its body temperature was less than room temperature. The attempt had obviously failed. And thank gods it did.

Yet it was odd. The body didn't seem to be decayed. To the eye it seemed quite pliable in fact. Maybe a side effect of the stasis field? He wondered how it worked. They would need to put the creature on ice immediately less it start to decay rapidly after dropping out of stasis.

"Everything is ready." the head excavator's second in charge told him. They had a casket like chamber they intended on putting him into, from there he'd be taken to base for more exact study or dissection.

"Quiet. Who's there? Die. Die. Die."

"Good." the leader nodded understandably, "Go ahead and activate it so we can drain the fluid and get it out. And get some samples of the fluid itself. Whatever it is its not like anything I've seen."

Without question, the machine was activated.

"Quiet. Noise? Hunger." The flow of energy was cut off and Kigaeno felt movement in his chamber. The fluid was being released. Was it time. He went the base on his hands and knees, and looked up into the eyes of a dozen or so completely dumbfounded excavators through the glass. What the hell was going on. He felt numb.

"Release me humans and face your fate." the statement didn't get a very favorable reaction from his audience. He definitely needed to work on his 'villain speech'. He'd have plenty of time to think later.

Several of the humans were backing away as he stood; he saw two of them leave through the exit. No matter. He needed someone to tell others what happened her. They would return to find the others here. Dead. "Die Die Die Die." his mumbling was almost unintentional. He had done it for so long. Years? Decades? It was suppose to wake him up after only 20 years. He could tell it'd been longer. He would have stayed had these fools not headed his warning meant to keep him from being awaken early.

"Who are you? We don't mean you any harm. I'm sure we can talk something out." the head excavator spoke. Gods what were these people even doing here? Wouldn't the fiends get them? Why the hell were they even after the technology here? Last he was awake their religion forbid them from touching this technology and had for centuries before, which is why he thought this was the perfect place to stay hidden.

"My name is Kigaeno Moondancer. And yes we can talk, but wait a sec. I have to do something first."

Stupidly the man waited as Kigaeno strained to remember how to word the spell. Damnit. He couldn't believe he'd actually forgotten. Think. Think. Think. Finally he worked into a chant, hoping this was the right one. Foolishly again, the humans stood, dumbfounded, as he finished chanting Ultima. Glass shattered. Equipment shorted out. The wonderful smell of energy charred flesh mixed with the electrical fires, "Hm. Can't talk now can we.. my bad."

Staggering from the strain of casting such a spell a few minutes after his 'resurrection', he stepped through the broken glass, feeling it sink into his feet as he went across it. No pain. He didn't know why, nor did he care. He made his way out towards the room exit. No doubt there would be guards that the two who escaped would inform. There was no way these weaklings could be in this place without guards.

Stopping at the entrance to the room, he placed his hand on the symbols on the wall, chanting softly and watching it open before him. Good. His memory was returning. He pulled the Moondancer Staff out of the cylindrical compartment, its point sparking to life. He continued walking upwards.

At the exit to the compound, a long simple hallway cut into stone by the excavators, he saw two guards that had taken point. Obviously they had no desire to enter after hearing the commotion inside, and it was pretty certain the chamber would collapse soon. They saw the creature only for a split second and took aim, and he was gone. The vanish spell enveloped Kigeano's body, and he staggered towards the new victims, scanning them as he approached. The were strong for humans. Perhaps near half of their full potential, but had no magical ability. He laughed to himself as he walked past them.

He turned, and the only indication of trouble for the first soldier was the searing pain of magic into his back as a ball of flame shot from Kigaeno's hand and the Firaga spell struck the man at short range. The other guard looked at him, stunned, as the first one stumbled forward dropping his weapon; the second guard took aim at Kigaeno's head.

He took a step forward, and Kigaeno felt tension in his left shoulder as the bullet struck him there, shards of flesh flying off of him, his clothing torn. No blood. He began to laugh hysterically, almost doubling over in the effort, as the man stared at him stunned,

"WHY?" Kigaeno grabbed the stunned man by the collar, "Why doesn't it hurt? TELL ME!"

The man didn't answer, but took aim again, pulling his firearm and pointing it directly at Kigaeno's head, the barrel pressed against him, even as Kigaeno sensed the other man rising to his feet behind him.

"Water." without even turning around, the waterga formed directly in front of the man behind him. Kigaeno figured it would complement the Firaga good enough. The man slammed back against the wall, sliding down it as the elemental energy seared into him, blood drooling from his mouth as he thumped to the floor.

Kigaeno began to laugh at the sheer thought of what it must look like, then suddenly stumbled to the side as a loud sound peirced his ears. His mind fuzzed, ears rang, then became clear again. Had he just been shot in the head? Why didn't it hurt?! He turned to the one who shot him, and spoke almost as if he were dissappointed "You didn't answer me."

The man looked like he was about to wet himself, standing face to face to the ominous creature, a piece of its shoulder and a corner of its skull shattered away like dust, "I-I don't know! We just found you here!"

"How long? How long have I been here?"

"T-they said 100 years or something. Look! I'm just a hireling, I didn't do anything! I didn't know you were alive!"

Kigaeno stopped himself before speaking again. Alive? Was he? He raised a claw to his own neck and felt. No pulse. He waited. He wasn't breathing. In fact he had only drew breaths in order to speak since he came back to consciousness. This was... actually unexpected. He must have died because he was in there longer than expected and absorbed too much of the energy. So why was he animate?

He giggled, shaking his head, then broke out into full fledged hysterical laughter, only to pause suddenly. He was hungry. Now that made no sense at all, "I feel like I haven't eaten in..." he broke out into hysterical laughter again, then quirked an eye ridge at the man, who was starting to back away.

"What do you think? From the looks of you maybe my evil laugh needs some work? I've been out of practice you know... E for Effort? B-? COME ON!...." he calmly placed a hand on the man's throat, and pulled him forward, his face inches away from the human's.

"Do you hear me human? I want everyone to know who I am." the man looked visibly relieved as Kigaeno said this. Would the creature let him go so he could tell the story? Evil guys did that you know.

Kigaeno continued, "So I'm going to write my name on your fucking corpse after I hollow you out to sate my hunger. Unique idea right?"

The two excavators who had initially fled saw this from a distance. They turned away, and didn't look back, rushing to their chocobos and riding off as fast as they could.
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