Virus Rootkit- IMPORTANT!

Jul 24, 2012 14:56

Hey guys! This isn't anything blind_go related, but I wanted to warn everyone about a nasty virus going around on LJ. You may or may not have seen it already. The virus involves hacked accounts posting youtube videos in places. It's presented either as a youtube link or an embed, and the video seems to be in Portuguese. [Edit: Apparently there's an English version too, but it's just as random. You'll know it when you see it.] DO NOT CLICK ON THE LINK OR THE VIDEO. I've removed a couple from kifu_archive already, but if you see any, feel free to poke at me and I'll delete it as soon as I can.

Some more information here and here. I think this thing is attacking comms more than anything else, but be aware in your own journals too- everyone be safe!

mod note

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