There's a lot of fics this round, aren't there? Which, of course, is awesome. Don't forget as you're reading to leave comments... there's a prize for commenting, too. ^_~ BUT, as you are trying to figure out who-wrote-what, it might be getting a bit confusing. SO. This post is for dropping hints! How does this work?
1. All comments should be anonymous!! We're talking hints, after all!
2a. Authors - leave little hints as to what you wrote! ETA: sign your anon comments with your author ID, please!!
2b. Guessors - leave little hints to the writers you think you know... OR ask questions about the ones you REALLY can't pin down!
3. Don't just give it away, though!! For instance, something like "[This fic] really sounds similar to a fic in Round 4." Never "I think [blank] wrote [blank]."
4. Inappropriate comments will be deleted. My apologies in advance if that becomes necessary.
Keep in mind that the multiple submission author pool is smaller than the single submission author pool! ^_~
We want lots of guesses, so let's have some fun teasing each other with hints!!
Oh, and if you want to cash your guesses in for ficcy prizes from our authors, here's a
current list of author guessing posts! These are the ones posted to kifu-archive, just putting them here for convenience. Will update if any more are posted/brought to my attention. ^_~
daisy_chan verloren1983 hostilecrayon ontogenesis go-hedgehog lacygrey There's a week until the Big Reveal, so let's get reading, commenting, hinting, and guessing!! ^_^