(no subject)

Oct 27, 2010 07:44

Dearest Professor,

I deeply, deeply apologize for the agonizing smut that people have been drawing of you. Rule 34 of the internet and all that. We all know a true gentleman would never let his privates be plastered along the series of tubes, however, we cannot be so lucky with the raging hormones of those who get their itchy fingers on your games.

I promise that I will, eventually, get around to beating the Unwound Future - I await the ending with bated breath, but I have to admit that some of those puzzles are really tricky.;;;

Anyhow, I'll be sure to draw you with your pants on if ever I do decide to take a stab at some fanart for you and/or your blue-capped cohort.

Warmest of regards,
- N.E.S.
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