It's Christmas time again, which means FAMILY
My cousins are popping out children left right and centre. I'm the only childless woman left in the family. My cousin was pregnant by the time she was my age, and I don't mean in a Jerry Springer way (wrong side of the family you're thinking of there, ya?). It was just in a, "Well, I'm done with school and don't really want the bother of a career. Impregnate, stat!" kind of way. Le sigh. Sometimes I don't know how I fit in with these people! I eat Japanese food and keep condoms in my handbag and tote my iPod and phone with me wherever I go. They live in remote areas and keep Shabby Chic timber bookcases and consider picked carrots an appetiser rather than an oddity. How did I happen in the middle of all of this?
Also, today during my lunch break I:
- Went vintage shopping and bought a brooch and a bracelet
- Went grocery shopping and bought a whole bunch of food for the homeless, in the name of the collection my work is doing for the Salvation Army
- Nipped in to a travel store and got a brochure on trips to Paris, sat on a bench in the Bourke Street mall and read it cover-to-cover
I would travel, but I'm worried about the stigma of being one of those people who Travels or Takes A Year Off. It unnerves me a bit. Everyone I know seems to be absolutely fine with it, and people I know who've travelled have loved the experience, but...I mean, how the frick would I justify that on my resume?