Pirates of the Caribbean 2: DMC -- 121 Screencaps

Jul 24, 2006 15:44

~12mb zip file with 121 medium-quality caps from the film (quality is limited due to source material ( Read more... )

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monimala July 24 2006, 19:54:36 UTC
Wait...the last cap...is that during the Big Kiss o' Betrayal?

He DID reach up to touch her hair? I wasn't imagining it?

*does a dance*. I have no idea what that proves, but, damn, I like it. Thanks for the caps, Kieyra! You rock!


monimala July 24 2006, 19:55:47 UTC
Wait, no, on closer inspection, it's him getting the black spot, so I was right the first time...he didn't touch her during the Betrayal Kiss.

Ignore me. I'm delusional!


kieyra July 24 2006, 19:58:54 UTC
The last one is from the first almost-kiss, not the betrayal, but there is much hair/face-touching.

Another example here:

... )


monimala July 24 2006, 20:05:00 UTC
I really *want* to grab the zip file but can't justify having it on my office hard drive. LOL. I'd be so tempted to open up Photoshop and have my wicked way with it.

Oh, Hell. I'll be doing exactly that, won't I? Am so weak.

And thanks for the second cap. Guh. Look at that and tell me he doesn't want her, that it's just some passing lust and she could be anybody. I swear, whenever I see that argument, I'm like...are you watching the Super Secret Sparrington Director's Cut or something? I'm so glad that your take on the actual kiss is the same as mine. He may be passive with his hands, but both of their reactions are voracious ones. It's not a simple betrayal. There's passion there, a sense of something that's a long-time-coming.


kieyra July 24 2006, 20:20:55 UTC
I'm so glad that your take on the actual kiss is the same as mine. He may be passive with his hands, but both of their reactions are voracious ones. It's not a simple betrayal. There's passion there, a sense of something that's a long-time-coming.

To be honest, I wavered a bit at first. In the end I determined that part of my inconclusiveness about them had to do with knowing that JD is about 20 years older than KK, and projecting a bit of disinterest on Jack's part based on that. I don't think that's the way it's intended to play, though, I think it was just me. The facial expressions sold me in the end.

I also have *no* idea how they're going to resolve this in part 3. Especially since I also like Will more and more, the more I think it through. I'm off the 'doof' train for him for good. Although that doesn't necessarily equate to Will/Elizabeth. I just like the character. And I'm not sure Elizabeth shouldn't just run off and be a pirate queen all by her damn self.


monimala July 24 2006, 20:26:40 UTC
JD's done naughty things to women vastly junior to him before. The love scene in "The Man Who Cried" with Christina Ricci comes to mind. :::fans self::: But I could see your point. There is an *odd* undertone to some of the J/E scenes and I'm not sure what it is. But when push comes to shove, things like the hunger and the *admiration* for her chaining him up definitely comes through.

And I have to admit that the second viewing erased Doofus Will for me for good, too, but, yep, it doesn't equate to me wanting W/E either. I want three separate piratical destinies, honestly. I want Elizabeth to be a pirate queen who occaisionally meets up with the boys for sex. I want Will to become the next Davy Jones and control the sea. And I want Jack to...be Jack.


kieyra July 24 2006, 20:41:15 UTC
JD's done naughty things to women vastly junior to him before. The love scene in "The Man Who Cried" with Christina Ricci comes to mind. :::fans self:::

Hmm. I saw that, sometime in the last year, and didn't get that age-diff reaction, you're right. And honestly, it's not that *I* have a problem with the age-gap, or most of them that pop up in fandom for that matter, I think it may be something bleeding through from JD himself. Or what I think I know of him as a person. Which is stupid.


There is an *odd* undertone to some of the J/E scenes and I'm not sure what it is.

There's a little bit of disorientation, I think, that comes about when he switches from playing it a bit gay to playing lustful/sensual instead. I think that's been problem #2 for me in figuring out exactly what Jack wants. (And hey, I guess he doesn't know himself, so we're all right.)

And I have to admit that the second viewing erased Doofus Will for me for good, too, but, yep, it doesn't equate to me wanting W/E either. I want three separate piratical ( ... )


monimala July 24 2006, 20:58:39 UTC
Jack is definitely ambiguous and all over the place. Even the magic compass thinks so! So, yeah, I think that may be where some disorientation comes in. But I don't think that's a free pass to say Jack thinks girls are icky. LOL. I'm sure that's what the slashers would likely be saying. I think Jack likes all kinds of sex and he does genuinely like Elizabeth.

I'm all for the no-holds-barred piracy with sporadic orgy-ing, and that's what it boils down to.


kieyra July 24 2006, 21:07:20 UTC
Okay, so, bottom line: I need to write the Will bits, you need to write the Jack bits, and we need to collaborate on the Elizabeth bits. :)


kieyra July 24 2006, 21:08:22 UTC
Hmm. That's lots of bits. Did someone say 'orgy'?


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