Fic: Crossroads (POTC)

Jul 23, 2006 18:01

Title: Crossroads
Fandom: POTC2 (movie spoilers)
Rating: PG13-ish.
Summary: One-shot. Tia Dalma, Will Turner. Not so much a touch of destiny as a chance encounter.
A/N: This my first story in this fandom. It's a little strange, and pretty far outside my normal scope, but my interest in vodou and New Orleans history caused the story to write itself ( Read more... )

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monimala July 24 2006, 12:46:38 UTC
Kieyra, this was beautiful and lyrical and gorgeous. It kicked me in the teeth, how much depth you gave to Tia Dalma, combined with the depth of your research (seriously, I'm not about to nitpick obscure Jamaican vodun versus Haitian, LOL), and just how awesomely fitting that ending was.

I love the image of Will with the last scrap of boy burned out of him...because that's exactly how I saw him at the end of the movie, thunking that knife into the table. I loved the tone, the narrative, and Tia's *voice*.

This may be one of my most favorite POTC fics that I've ever read!

In regards to 'shipperness...I'm not going to try to sway you in any particular direction. I've found that's kind of useless. Just keep writing and I will love it because it's you doing the writing!


kieyra July 24 2006, 16:16:26 UTC
I should mention that your 'tiny bit of Will ficcage' was what kind of sealed the deal on my writing this story. (While you didn't actually have them interact, you did juxtapose Will/Dalma textually and since my mind was already going there...doom.)

I love the image of Will with the last scrap of boy burned out of him...because that's exactly how I saw him at the end of the movie, thunking that knife into the table.

Um. Guh. Forgot the knife thing. Gawd. (I wish you were feeling a little better this week, would love to discuss various ship dynamics with you. I wrote out some of my thought processes last night, then ended up deleting the entry because within five minutes I already disagreed with all of my own opinions.)

Tia's *voice*Thanks--that was a tricky one. I rewatched her scenes, and aside from the occasional thing where they try to mess with her grammar ("him" instead of "his", etc), she's quite articulate, in a formalized, staccato kind of way. It's the actress's delivery that that's a whole other kettle of fish. I wouldn't ( ... )


monimala July 24 2006, 19:46:47 UTC
I would love to discuss the dynamics of the movie and the characters with you. I just wish I had the Internet access at home to DO so! I'm so frustrated because I have all this fannish meta and all these thoughts and no real ability to put them anywhere (not that this seems to be stopping me).

You're very welcome for everything. I'm glad that my Will ficcage could even in part inspire such awesome fic from you!


kieyra July 24 2006, 20:14:41 UTC
I can call ConEd and tell them to get their shit together so we can mindmeld, stat. Heh.

(I'm so excited to just be excited about a fandom again, and going through to cap stuff just made it that much 'worse' much visual symbology they threw in, like the point in the film where Will starts wearing black and goes a bit Dread-Pirate-Roberts on us, the different scenes with Elizabeth's girly wedding dress (in the end, it's underwater and sinking), lots of little reaction shots that don't make sense until later...I'm so going to see this on the big screen soon.)

So. Yeah. I need you!


monimala July 24 2006, 20:18:36 UTC
ConEd having their shit together is an oxymoron, K. It just ain't happenin' for them!

I saw the movie again Saturday and was just drowning in all the imagery. I tried to pick up on things I'd missed before and there's I'm so glad to be excited about a fandom too, since I'm so burned out on VM, and POTC just gives us so much fodder with the clothing, the props, the camera angles, and the actors' performance choices.

I kept going through the Times Square station hoping the people selling the bootlegs would be out, but there's cops everywhere and I haven't seen hide nor hair of them! Grr! The ONE time I want to buy one!


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