Fic: Crossroads (POTC)

Jul 23, 2006 18:01

Title: Crossroads
Fandom: POTC2 (movie spoilers)
Rating: PG13-ish.
Summary: One-shot. Tia Dalma, Will Turner. Not so much a touch of destiny as a chance encounter.
A/N: This my first story in this fandom. It's a little strange, and pretty far outside my normal scope, but my interest in vodou and New Orleans history caused the story to write itself ( Read more... )

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kieyra July 24 2006, 03:19:50 UTC
I absolutely loved the first movie. Went into it cold, not expecting much, and was blown away. My fandom/writing, however, has mostly been limited to serial television--movies generally don't do it for me, and I knew nothing about DMC until I saw it (zero spoilers), and was similarly blown away. Only this time, I've reached a point where I've gotten so disenchanted with the current television offerings I haven't written anything in months. DMC definitely grabbed me. I didn't see it till this weekend, though, hence my sudden burst of enthusiasm. :)

I also don't actually *read* much fic, and am very unfamiliar with what's currently out there. I know Jack/Elizabeth is the het pairing of choice, and that Will is considered a little dull, but the dust still hasn't settled for me. And as you said, there's no need to have an 'OTP', especially in a cast/setup like this.

I'm not usually a huge slash fan, but I've certainly got no objections, and I can see it with Will. I'd be interested in recs if you've got them--so far I'm not quite ready to wade in and look for stuff myself. :)


veronica_rich July 24 2006, 05:29:18 UTC
You're welcome to wander over to my site at with some J/W. I can give you more recs from better writers if you like that pairing.

J/E is only the pet het pairing of choice du jour - it's EXPLODED since the movie (and my opinion, only, is that there's no J/E there - it was seduction for the sake of power, not desire, except maybe for some lust on each part). Before that, it's been W/E pretty steadily for the past 3 years. J/E has been sort of a side fandom all that time, too.


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