Guys I’m so BUMMED that my life is like this right now. I haven't had time to finish commenting on all of the
femmefest fics (sorry!) and hpwlwbigbang has also been posting AMAZING STUFF for the past few days already and I'm just so tight on time that I think I'm going to have to fulfil my hype reader pledge of commenting on 2 works and leave the rest for later. I’m in the middle of two gamedev projects that I’d really love to finish (as if I even have time for those!). I’m excited about modding comms/fests. It's pride week in Helsinki at the moment. In other words, there's tons of good stuff going on! But: I DON’T HAVE ANY DAMN TIME TO WRITE FIC. *CRIES BUCKETS*
I've been doing the weekly drabbles for
hogwarts-ldws, which I'm still surprised to be a part of lol, but that's pretty much it! (Check them out, the challenge is hilarious fun and it's awesome how different all the drabbles turn out to be - with a bit of a bias towards Snape, of course. :D)
rarepair_shorts summer wishlists, and I had grand plans yet again to create tons of fic and art, but it’s just all going down the drain with how crazy my summer is. (Go and check the wishlists, they're awesome!)
I had a badass idea for
hpfemslash-mini summer prompts, but it's way out of my scope to write in a month. *sighs*
Working full-time, hosting tons of friends this summer (everyone always has something they need to visit Helsinki for and I’m here! - so there’s someone over over 50% of the time…), moving houses yet again and trying to catch the odd bit of sleep is already turning out to be a challenge. I’m just so damn exhausted. How do people even adult. Like, when work & commuting takes up around 10-11 hours of your day, how do people find time for anything? xD
I'm going to do a rec post for
femmefest as soon as I finish commenting the last fics!
And get back to people's comments...sometime.
Meanwhile, I DID MANAGE TO CREATE A BIT OF ART and I sort of love how it turned out. Check out the final product on
rarepair shorts or on
AO3! Here's a progress gif below. :3 (Not shown: the countless times I adjusted the colors and the shading to get them right. :D)
PS. Mental & physical health-wise, things are pretty grand atm and I have nothing to complain about. Hope everyone is doing alright! Tell me about your summer <333 (Or winter on the southern hemisphere.)