Mar 23, 2004 18:47
Tom Turner hung himself Sunday night. Tom was the captain of the cross country team. A member of Red Hot Blue. A good guy from what I can tell. And he took his life.
It's really bothersome, to think that he did this to himself. Monday morning around 7, as people woke up (what people I don't know, but apparently people are up at this dreadful time. Psychoes!), they saw Tom hanging from the big tree in front of Tuttle. Police took him down around 9, after taking pictures and shit. The whole quad was caution-taped off, and I thought that maybe they didn't want us on the grass. I didn't see police, of security, or anyone. Just the tape. After I got my food I saw a girl crying hysterically and wondered what was up. After bio, and before comm, I peed and saw another classmate crying. Again, i wondered why and why everyone was crying. After class, Jon Turner(no relation) said that he'd heard that there was a tragedy, and I said "what the fuck?" The girl sitting next to me told me that Tom Turner had hung himself. I looked him up on campus web, and saw that I knew him. I'd seen him around. I was upset, wondering what the fuck was so bad in his life that he would kill himself. A mass email was sent out, saying that a suicide had occurred but they couldn't tell us anything until the person's parents were notified. There was a gathering in the Heubeck multipurpose room at 12:30. I was heading to english in my slippers and with my bball hoodie on backwards when I ran into Tama, who wouldn't let me go to class. "It didn't feel right," she said. It sure as shit didn't. I talked to her for a while, and to one of the Mike's in my class (the really big one who's gay and is in BGLAD) who knew Tom from RHB. He was in shock and didn't want to go to class. I then realized why the caution tape was up. They didn't care about us walking on the grass, they didn't want us tampering with a crime scene. Rumors flew around- he was a druggie, depressed (yeah, no fuckin shit), his girlfriend broke up with him over break, they couldn't find his roomie, who'd been in his girlfriend's room, he deliberately hung himself in front of some girl's window. I ate in the kosher dining hall with Tama and Nancy- there was pizza and the garlicyest macaroni I've ever had. We talked for a while, and then I headed back to my room, seeing the tree which flowers in front of it and a makeshift cross, made out of a stake and a stick duct-taped across it. I checked my email again and the official notice had been sent out confirming his suicide. All day counseling was available and there was a candlelight vigil last night at 10 in the chapel. The Goho was gonna be open til 8 am in case anyone didn't want to be alone. The athletes were meeting at 3 in the SRC to discuss what happened. In art class we talked about it for a while and didn't learn at all, just painted color wheels. After class I sat in my room and watched tv- I was bummed. I didn't really know Tom, but he was an athlete and a classmate and his death has affected me. I tried emailing Megan to tell her I didn't wanna meet, but her computer pooped out on her and she didn't get it and she called me around 7 and told me to get my ass over to her. Punk. She was pround of my 85, and we reviewed Dinos. I told Dad before I went over and he was thankful that I didn't see the body and upset for me. Anyhoo, I was bummed all night and at 11:30 I went to the Goho for something to drink and eat and called mom. I talked to her for like 2o minutes and was crying when I went to the tree where candles were lit and the track team and other people were mourning. Mom was concerned but I was alright. I stayed outside and stared at all the things left- candles, flowers, his track shirt, pictures. It was sad, but freezing so I finished my ice cream and went in to get a lighter and more clothes. I went back out and lit 3 candles and sat there for a while. I met a guy, kinda cute, who's name I forget but was nice and invited me to his room- Wagner 100- if I couldn't sleep or needed to talk. I made sure no fires would start, and lit all the candles, and then talked to Claire for an hour about random shit. I went back up to my room to get ready for bed, and went to sleep at two. I'm still bummed and talked to Tom's roomie today- who's Leslie's boyfriend, and he said that Tom was really drunk and really high Sunday night. Tom left 17 notes, and the main one was for his roomie, but the police took them all. Well, I have homework but needed to get this off my chest.