MIZUCON. and life stuff.

Aug 20, 2010 23:42


I 'officially' moved last night and spent my first night in my new room after staying at brittanmoyashi 's house the day and night before so my stuff could be moved and so we could watch Reborn and Hetalia and Kuroshitsuji and talk about yaoi and fangirl and crap. It was very amazing and sparkly.

I never realized how much it sucked to move until I actually did it. LMAO I still don't have a lot of my things. But yeah. Anyways.

jisatsusama picked me up this afternoon, and I wore Paperboy Ciel, and I brought Brit's Alice in Wonderland dress to be trap!alice!Ciel. ffffff. The things I do for her. XD I changed into it for the nighttime.

Even though Mizu was kinda slow today, I got to hang out with all of my friends and do things for Live. Love. Cosplay, and I'm so excited for the show to finally have episodes up! I love Mizucon. So much. It's so nice and chill~

Tomorrow I'm wearing Fai and entering him in the costume contest!, though I still have to finish him tonight - sew belts to shirt, add more velcro) before I finally attempt to sleep OTL. I'm also probably bringing a change of clothes and wig so I can finally wear Spain to a con, although casual. XD I'll have my turtle though. >w<

Sunday is Seychelles, the same outfit I wore to Metro.

Yeah. My peeps. I love you. So much. See you guys tomorrow!  ♥ I would make a longer entry, but costume needs to get done like now. XD

mizucon, life, kuroshitsuji, school

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