Feb 28, 2007 23:54

So i have very little faith or respect for our legal and law enforcement system as is. However today, I got "pulled over" if you want to call it that, by a fifty year old woman riding a fucking horse. And she gave me a ticket, not for me not wearing my seat belt and not for Morgan not wearing her seat belt, which we both were, but for Morgan not being in a booster seat. That's right ladies and gentlemen, someone in Delaware's legislature thought it was a great idea to make it mandatory for kids to be in booster seats until they're seven. WHAT THE FUCK?!?! Like i didn't hate this state or it's sorry ass excuses for cops in the first place but now this.

And i'm sorry, I know that many of my friends have love for the police and I know in certain areas they are responsible for some truly great public service. However most of my experiences with the police are them WASTING their time issuing tickets for people not wearing seat belts, which is another law that I think is bullshit that they enforce...should be optional. I've been in two car accidents where if i had been wearing my seatbelt i'd be dead. And i've had many friends in the same situation. If you want to place your life in danger by not wearing seat belts that should be your perogative. Not wearing a seat belt does not endanger another driver on the road. Whereas, let's say large penalties against drunk drivers. See that serves a purpose, drunk drivers can kill us. Me not wearing my seat belt can only "HYPOTHETICALLY" kill me.

OH and did I mention that this ticket was issued by a cop on a FUCKING HORSE?!?!?! *sighs* Since when did we let the fucking Canadians become cops in our country? Goddamned Mounties.

end rant


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