Update on all things of a filthy nature.

Aug 29, 2007 22:17

Well, after 7 letters and various emails to the home office and prime minister regarding the police powers awarded in the pace act of around 2005 or something like that, I have received an answer.
That answer is.......
We're not telling you.
I got a letter from the office of the PM informing me that Mr Brown had asked the office to pass this matter to the Home office. I did ask them if this letter was a lie and Mr Brown had no idea who I was and has no inkling that I have written him many letters on the subject? The reliably informed me that it was a "Style of writing" and not a blatatnt lie and they had just pretended that he had told them anything regarding my letter and in fact the person who wrote the reply has probably never even met Mr Brown, let alone discussed my concerns with him.
Well, this aside I managed to discover that each police force should have its own procedures outlining when the power of arrest should and shouldn't be used, I can ask Sussex police for this and they will provide me with a copy. Excellent I thought, so I asked, Apparently Sussex police do not have such a document and know of no other police force that does.
Ooooh, does this mean that I now have documented evidence that either the police of the government lie, methinks yes.
I also discovered that when the police "professional" standards dept told me that they had no deadline to investigate my complaint, it appears that they were talking a complete pile of steaming fibs, when I informed them that the Home Office had told me that they did, they "looked into the matter" and it turns out that the DCI hadn't read the rules before I drew his attention to them. Apparently they have 120 days to investigate my complaint before giving a full reply. Fantastic I thought, my complaint was put in last November so they have missed the boat a little. Sadly this is not the case, the matter of subjudacy takes this forward to the end of april, so were still pretty much on the line there, aha not so again, because although I submitted a complaint in Nov they didn't "record" it until the end of may, still close, well it would be if it wasn't 120 working days. Any one see my goalposts passing their way could they grab them for me.
At what point is my complaint? well, it's all underway and nearly complete, they just have to ask the officer concerned about it, so let's get this in perspective, I make a complaint about the cunt, they take my statement months ago, and then they have to consult magic fucking pixies for months before asking the cunt why he did what he did? They informed me that he was proving difficult to pin down for interview, well maybe they should pin him down the way he did me and then interview the fucking slimy little fucktard.
They assure me that this will be sorted within the month, believe it when I fucking see it.

Theres more from the hospital too, they have asked me to help with their training, what were they fucking thinking.
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