hello all.
I'm not sure when I last updated, but I'll update you with what I think you don't know.
I got my hair(s) cut yesterday, and it is hot. I finally had the balls to get it choppy layered and the guy did an AWESOME job. Sadly, it was ridiculously expensive ($35), but it looks great so I'm happy.
I'm way too excited about college- I had my interview for jumpstart (see
http://www.jstart.org/) today which was awesome. This week, possibly tomorrow, I find out who I will be rooming with. It is scary as all hell, let me tell you.
My orientation thing was pretty damn cool, except the dorming. That was hot. Not good hot, bad hot. It was sweltering. Fortunately Boston isn't generally that hot, and is NEVER that hot between September and May.
I figure I'll throw up my schedule, since it's about time for that. I tested out of the first English course and I tested into the Math intensive courses which is great. I only need to take 2 math courses instead of 3, and I hear that the class is great. The girls I talked to said that the big thing about Math is writing papers about how to teach addition and subtraction. Hey, sounds good to me.
So here's this-
>8:25-9:15- English 111
>11:30-12:45- Math 140
>2:30-5:30- Jumpstart
>2:30-3:45- Human Growth and Development
>8:25-9:15- English 111
>10:00-11:15- First Year Seminar
>11:30-12:45- Math 140
>2:30-5:30- Jumpstart
>6:00-8:00- Jumpstart Seminar (every other Wednesday)
>No classes
>8:25-9:15- English 111
>11:30-12:45- Math 140
>2:30-3:45- Human Growth and Development
And then 4 hours a week, somewhere, I have jumpstart stuff- working with my kid in their preschool class.
So yeah, Oklahoma was awesome. I got a cowboy hat there. It is pretty funny. It was wicked hot there and that sucked.
Justin and Justine's wedding was absolutely beautiful. Sincere congrats to them. I'm so happy for them!
That brings us to David and I. We are better than ever and it is absolutely awesome. I don't remember ever being this happy for this extended of a time. He is absolutely great and I'm excited that I finally have a relationship that I don't have to travel at least 1 1/2 hours to see my boyfriend. It is wonderful.
Working at Quizno's has apparently made me a nicer person... who knew? Apparently I'm less bitchy- I didn't know that was possible. Whatever works.
My mom came up this weekend and we went on a duck tour. It was cool.
I think that is really it for now. I have to call Becky sometime... anyone know if she has a screenname that she actually goes on? I have to get in touch with her to hang out since shes up here.
Speaking of that... WHEN ARE YOU COMING TO VISIT ME? Yes- you. You reading this. There is a specific group of people that I'd like to come up to see me (I know you people are probably reading this, and one of you has a car and drives...), but I'm not sure that will happen :(.
I have to go and clean and do housewifey things now.... have fun all!